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Voicemail Dump Truck 141 | General Grievances.mp3

One of the last dump trucks of the year! We are still somehow making food based discoveries, chatting about our Holiday wishlists, eating an obscene amount of pizza, and ice in milk??

If you think the GIant Bombcast spends too much time talking about Not Video Games, you're going to hate this thing.

Dec. 5 2024

Posted by: Jan


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Edited By metalman116

Damn it Dan!! Corn was only cultivated in the Americas. Before 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue... Europe, the Middle East, China, Russia... the entire rest of the world had never seen an ear of corn.

So, Jesus being the year zero point of our calendar... Was alive one thousand four hundred and ninety two years before corn ever could have reliably touched the middle east (where Jesus was born.)

That is how any joe blow knows that Jesus never ate corn....

You can certainly put a tinfoil hat on and say Vikings, Egyptians, and other seafaring ancient cultures could have brought back some corn. But, their capability to do so was more sheer luck than repeatable transatlantic travel.

Columbus was the precursor to a consistent ability for Europe to get to America and return safely with marketable goods like CORN!!!