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Average score of 92 user reviews

Title Fight 7

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is Sony's first foray into the brawler-style fighting genre. With its focus on the company's various characters and mascots, the comparisons to Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. series are inevitable. While All-Stars shares a number of obvious similarities with Nintendo's popular franchise, it differentiates itself with the depth of its combo system and a unique scoring method.Do you remember Sir Dan?All-Stars features a roster of twenty characters and, despite som...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

How to Properly Utilize a License 7

I like golf. I know...crazy, right? I cannot remember a time where I did not have a set of golf clubs. I've been playing golf video games for almost as long too. It started with Golf on the NES and followed with others such as Links, Mario Golf, Skins Game, Hot Shots Golf, and of course Tiger Woods PGA Tour. The 06 entry version on Xbox 360 was a mess. It only had six courses, had less features than its PS2 counterpart, was plagued with online problems, and even had several broken achievements. ...

38 out of 44 found this review helpful.

The #1 Soccer Game in Any Country Where Soccer Matters 0

In America, Winning Eleven goes mostly unseen thanks to the massive FIFA train engineered by EA.  But the fact is that Winning Eleven is the preferred soccer game in every country where soccer is the #1 sport.  This year's offering is no different as Konami has delivered the most complete, most rewarding soccer gaming experience ever.  You don't have to be a fan of soccer to enjoy this game.  Any sports fan will find something to love in Winning Eleven 8.   Graphics If you looked at just an...

2 out of 4 found this review helpful.

The Brooklyn Brawler of Wrestling Games 1

Xbox owning wrestling fans have had it rough.  Between RAW and Legends of Wrestling, the Xbox has not seen a single good wrestling game.  Not even a mediocre one.  Sadly, it appears things are going to stay that way.  WrestleMania 21 comes from Studio Gigante, creators of Tao Feng.  For those that don't know, Gigante is John Tobias' company he created after severing his tag team with Ed Boon and leaving Midway about five years ago.  WrestleMania 21 is simply an incomplete game.  All the fra...

2 out of 4 found this review helpful.

You Don't Need Hundreds of Cars for a Good Driving Sim 0

Remember Pro Race Driver from last year?  Neither does anyone else.  But check some sites and you'll see it got some fairly decent reviews.  Now Codemasters has released the followup to Pro Race Driver with ToCA Race Driver 2.  The ULTIMATE racing simulator?  Well, no...but ToCA Race Driver 2 is a great racing title and when you factor in that it supports Xbox Live and retails for only $30 it's definitely worth the money.  ToCA may not feature several hundred cars like we will experience wi...

1 out of 3 found this review helpful.

If You're Not Planning to Play Online, Don't Waste Your Money 0

Star Wars Battlefront is basically what you've heard it was going to be.  It's Battlefield 1942 with Star Wars licenses slapped all over it...for the most part.  It does have some subtle differences but make no mistake about it; this is an online game.  What I mean by that is that if you don't have Xbox Live, you shouldn't even bother looking at the back of the box.  It will only disappoint you.  But if you do have Live, and you're a Star Wars fan, then it's a pretty safe bet that you will ...

6 out of 7 found this review helpful.

One of the Lesser Known Xbox RPG's 1

Sudeki is one of the many RPG's that Microsoft has promised to Xbox gamers over the years, only to be delayed eternally.  Well, it's finally here.  Was it worth the wait?'s not bad, but it's not a spectacular RPG that Xbox gamers have been clamouring for.  Through the opening cinematic you learn that through a war of the gods, the world has been split into two parts.  Your journey begins in the realm of Haskilia with a young soldier named Tal, and eventually builds as you build yo...

3 out of 5 found this review helpful.

With a Great License Comes Great Responsibility 0

Some are referring to it as "Grand Theft Spider-Man."  I'm just going to refer to it as "Fun."  It's amazing (no pun intended) that movie-based games are actually becoming not only decent, but actually good (i.e. Escape from Butcher Bay).  The first Spider-Man game was decent, but was ultimately lacking in content.  This one on the other hand, is loaded with things to do.  It follows the storyline of the movie, but that's just a small part of the game.  You're basically living the life of S...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

The Sleeper Hit of 2004 1

Psi-Ops is Midway's new third-person shooter game, but before you write it off as just another run-of-the-mill TPS like the other 47 games you've seen, give it a chance.  The game puts you in the shoes of Nick Scryer, a secret psi-agent who has telekinetic abilities.  Nick has been trained by the government's Mindgate contingent whose current mission is to destroy the terrorist organization known as The Movement.  Still sound generic?  Well, Nick has undergone a complete memory wipe and fac...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A New Direction Alienates Fans of the Sands of Time 0

Last year, Ubisoft's Montreal studio unleashed a grand surprise on the gaming world with Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.  It was an incredible reinvention of a classic series and was nominated for a slew of Game of the Year awards, winning several of them.  Although the game was critically acclaimed for its design, the game didn't sell so well.  Ubisoft even bundled it with Splinter Cell to try and get it off the shelves faster.  So when it came time for a sequel, Ubisoft Montreal deci...

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

The Wait Was Worth It 0

After numerous delays, Ninja Gaiden has finally made its way to stores.  Was it worth the wait?  Simply put...hell fuckin' yeah it was.  All jokes aside, this ninja kicks serious ass.  If you're new to Team Ninja's games, Ninja Gaiden comes from the same mind of the creator of Dead or Alive, Tomonobu Itagaki.  Ninja Gaiden takes place several years before the first Dead or Alive tournament, so this isn't your typical "ancient Japan ninja game."  The evil Dark Dragon Bl...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

One of the Greatest of All Time 0

I've made it no secret that I despise Madden and all it stands for.  But I'm not going to waste time explaining that now, because discussing the greatness of ESPN NFL 2K5 is far more important than screaming "MADDEN SUCKS" in an AOL 2.5 chat room.  For the last several years, Sega's football franchise has been the highest rated football game across the board, yet it is not the most popular.  To combat this, Sega has decided to go with a drastic marketing plan that they hope will entice game...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

For Hardcore College Football Fans Only 0

NCAA Football 2005 makrs the beginning of several things.  It's the first game for the 2005 sports season (baseball games named 2005 not included).  It's the first EA game on Xbox that supports Xbox Live.  And it also unofficially kicks off the massive influx of games that will only increase as we get closer to the holidays.  So, aside from all of that, how's the game itself?  Well it's pretty good.  Nothing spectacular.  It's more than good enough to appease the college football enthusiast...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Rainbow Studios Knows Action Sports 0

You may not recognize the name of Rainbow Studios, but they're the guys behind the ATV Offroad Fury franchise, which has been quite successful.  THQ has gone out and gotten Rainbow to attempt the impossible...make a dirt stuntbike game that doesn't suck.  Let's face it; there are a ton of motocross games out there and pretty much all of them are terrible.  Well, Rainbow Studios succeeded to an extent.  MX Unleashed is easily the best game currently in its genre, but it's not perfect.  The g...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

More Kontent Than You Could Imagine 0

Mortal Kombat Deception is the sixth original fighting game in the MK franchise.  Although Mortal Kombat has been one of the most beloved (and hated for separate reasons) franchises in all of gaming, it has certainly had it's ups and downs from each game to the next.  Many gamers believe that MKII was the pinnacle.  It was leaps and bounds better than the original, and instead of improving on II, 3 just seemed goofy and the combo system was too complex for the casual fan.  MK4 was the first...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

An Xbox Live Pioneer Returns 0

The original MechAssault defined what Xbox Live was all about and now Microsoft Games Studios and Day 1 have brought us a sequel in Lone Wolf.  Not a whole lot has changed since the first one, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but after two years of Xbox Live, MechAssault isn't as fresh and exciting as it originally was.  At it's core it's an online-only game, and if you don't have Xbox Live, there's not much reason at all to pick this one up.  Lone Wolf adds a few things to MechAssault ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Still Pretty Good. Still Pretty Much the Same. 0

Madden NFL Football has reached its 15th year of existence.  That's a major accomplishment in of itself, but the fact that they've never had a particularly "bad" year in their history (I will ignore the N64 non-licensed version) is even more remarkable.  It is easily the most popular football game on the market.  It is undoubtedly the most purchased sports game in history.  And it is arguably the biggest release of every year.  Last year's game introduced many bold additions to the gameplay...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Third Times a Charm? Not Even Close. 0

Legends of Wrestling is one of those games that I really, truly, desperately want to enjoy...but I just can't.  The entire concept of throwing 60+ of the greatest wrestlers in the past 35 years into a game is wonderful.  It just sucks that Acclaim was the company that came up with the idea, because after 2 WWF games, 2 ECW games, and 2 LoW games, they still haven't been able to figure out how to make an enjoyable wrestling game.  At first glance, any wrestling fan will be excited to see the...

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

BioWare Takes a Few Risks in the Wake of KotOR's Success 1

Jade Empire is the latest epic from BioWare.  If you've been living in a cave for the past decade or so, BioWare has built a solid reputation in the RPG world with the likes of Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, and most recently Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.  Jade Empire is their first Xbox-only title as well as their first game based on a completely original world.  Jade is loosely based on the mythology of ancient China, but make no mistake, the game isn't based in historical C...

7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

Campaign a Few Hours, Go Online a Few Years 0

Three years ago, a little game called Halo was released and showed Xbox owners and skeptics alike that Microsoft was serious about staking claim to the console market.  Halo gave gamers an epic campaign mode and the most addictive multiplayer experience this side of Hungry Hungry Hippos.  The original is widely considered as the best console shooter game of all time, and some would even go as far as to say that it is the best game of this console generation.  So when you're already the best...

2 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Not Worth the Wait 0

Remember about two years ago when Stuntman came out, and inside was a promo for Driver 3?  Well, after multiple delays, the third installment of Reflection's wheelman franchise has arrived.  Was it worth the wait?  Hell no it wasn't worth the wait.  There is absolutely nothing innovative or new here, nothing.  Driver may have been the game that inspired future games such as GTA3, Vice City, and True Crime, but Driv3r does absolutely nothing to build upon their reputation as originators in t...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A Fun Look Back at the Series 0

Dead or Alive has been around for almost 10 years (do you feel old now?) and has firmly stood near the top of the heap of 3D fighting games through the years.  DOA Ultimate is a compilation of sorts.  On the first disc, you receive the Saturn version of the original Dead or Alive, which never came to North America.  It's a perfect port except for the fact that you can now play it online.  On the second disc, the main attraction, is a completely revamped Dead or Alive 2, which originally deb...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Improving on Burnout 3 Proves to Be Difficult 0

Burnout 3 was one of the best games of 2004; some would even say THE best.  Creating a followup to a game that great is always difficult but Criterion has answered that challenge successfully.  Burnout Revenge, although not as "holy shit look at this" as its predecessor, is an excellent game.  By bringing back almost everything that was great about Takedown and adding such features as "Traffic Checking," vertical takedowns, and an increased focus on track variations, Burnout Revenge has fir...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Simply the Best 0

Let me begin by saying that I never played the original Burnout nor Burnout 2. I came into Burnout 3 with a clean slate, except for all the hype surrounding it, and not truly sure what to expect. After about an hour of playing I decided that it was probably the best arcade racing game I'd ever played. After a few more hours I was sure of it. And then, after another dozen hours I started to wonder if it was the overall racing game I'd ever played, period. Yes, it is that good. Burnout 3 isn't jus...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

In a World That Doesn't Need Another WWII FPS, You Need This Game 0

Brothers in Arms is yet another game that made its debut at last year's E3.  By name and content alike, it draws many comparisons to HBO's hit miniseries Band of Brothers.  This game is based on the true story of a group of paratroopers' eight days during and after D-Day.  So do we really need another World War II FPS?  Well, no...but in this case we should make an exception, because Brothers in Arms is an excellent game.  From the second the game starts, you're sucked into the experience. ...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

So It's Not Online? And Champions of Norrath Comes Out Next Week? 0

Well I must admit that I've never really played any of the Baldur's Gate games, and not quite sure why.  From what I understand, DA2 starts right where the first DA left off, but that doesn't mean you have to have played the original to enjoy the sequel.  The game opens with a sequence showing three adventurers who come through a portal and are immediately surround by beasts plus a man named Mordoc who taunts the warriors and speaks about an Onyx Tower.  This "dark alliance" is making an at...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A Game You Want to Like, But the Game Just Won't Let You 0

Advent Rising has been in development for quite a while at rookie studio GlyphX.  From the beginning, Advent Rising has always been an ambitious project.  Taking a sci-fi script written by Orsen Scott Card and implementing it into a cinematic third-person shooter game has proven to be a difficult task.  Advent Rising is one of those games that you really want to like, as its brimming with potential, but in the end you just can't recommend it.  The game, while fun at times, is marred with gl...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Lesson in How to Successfully Revamp a Franchise 0

Over the last decade, Lara Croft has become the most successful video game heroine in history.  But at the same time, Tomb Raider has become a huge joke in the industry.  The first two installments of Tomb Raider (1996-1997) were great games, but starting with the Tomb Raider III, the series got progressively worse through Last Revelation, Chronicles, and eventually the disgustingly horrid Angel of Darkness.  The main problem was that Tomb Raider's developer, Core Design, never evolved the ...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

The Very Definition of "Meh" 0

Rare may be one of the most legendary developers in the history of videogames, but they are also notorious for taking their sweet time in getting projects from the development phase to the store shelves.  Kameo, the other Rare 360 launch title, was initially an N64 game, so that should give you an idea of how long they take.  It's been five and a half years since we saw Joanna Dark on the N64 (and over EIGHT years since GoldenEye...feelin' old yet?) and although much of the original team is no ...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Welcome to the Next Generation 0

Originally scheduled for the launch of 360, Ghost Recon proves to be worth the wait by presenting truly next-gen gameplay along with astounding graphics.  GRAW, as it seems to have deemed itself, takes place in 2017 in Mexico City.  The President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada are visiting the Mexican President for a summit.  You are Scott Mitchell, a captain in the elite squad of Ghosts.  When a major portion of the Mexican army turns against their President and atta...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Grab Your Form Baton. It's Time to Pick Your Nose Again. 0

Wario is one strange dude.  While he's not trying to piledrive Mario or competing in sporting events, he spends his time in lovely Diamond City with a slew of crazy neighbors.  If you haven't played a Wario Ware game before, you are totally missing out on one of the most unique gaming experiences of the past five years.  Dubbed as "microgames," Wario Ware throws you into a rapid succession of 5-second scenarios that will test your reflexes and puzzle solving abilities.  After the original, each...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Best Multiplayer Launch TItle for PSP 0

Much like Ridge Racer, Twisted Metal has been a staple for Sony's systems.  The original Twisted Metal was an early system seller for Sony, and Twisted Metal Black, released in 2001, brought the game back to it's glory days after 989 had destroyed the franchise with parts III and 4.  If you aren't in the know, Twisted Metal (1, 2, and Black) was created by Dave Jaffe, who you should know is the creative mind behind God of War.  He may have a dark and...well...twisted mind, but it makes for ...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Find Your Charger. There's a Reason to Turn On Your PSP Again. 0

For over a decade, Tekken has been a revolutionary force in field of 3D fighters.  It was one of the originals and to this day it is still one of the best.  The arcade scene in America may be dead, but now you can get your Tekken fix anywhere and anytime with this excellent arcade port of Tekken 5's expansion.  With the PSP version of Dark Resurrection, you actually get more than the arcade version offered and even some stuff the home version of Tekken 5 did not have.  The game features ove...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Buying a New Sony System? Gotta Have Ridge Racer! 0

Ridge Racer has been around for close about 13 years now.  It was one of the must-have launch titles for the original PlayStation in 1995, and it was the racing game to hold you over til Gran Turismo 3 when the PS2 launched in 2000.  To continue with the Sony launch tradition, Namco has released Ridge Racer for the PSP.  The title says alot about this game.  In recent years, the Ridge Racer franchise has taken a slide, but this installment takes the franchise back to the basics.  That's not...

2 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Buying a PSP? This is Must-Have Game 0

Lumines (LOO-meh-ness) is an extremely difficult game to explain, but I shall try my best to convey may enthusiasm for this most innovative puzzle game.  At first glance, any gamer will begin to compare Lumines to Tetris.  It is indeed a falling block puzzle game, but that's about where the similarities end.  Coming from the mind of Tetsuya Mizuguchi, the creator of Space Channel 5 and Rez, Lumines is billed as "Puzzle Fusion."  Music plays an integral role in Lumines.  The blocks fall in s...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

The First Must-Have PSP Game Since Launch 0

Originally scheduled as a launch title, Hot Shots Golf has finally arrived on the PSP and just in time.  The PSP's launch is starting to fade, and people are looking for the next big title.  Grand Theft Auto and Midnight Club got pushed back, so look no further than Open Tee.  On the surface, Hot Shots has always looked cutesy and charming, but as anyone who has played the series knows, you will be hard pressed to find a better golf game out there.  The characters may have a cartoony style,...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Missed Potential 0

Death Jr was the very first game ever shown on the PSP, but much in the same way that Malice was once used to show the power of the Xbox, Death Jr has arrived late and disappoints (although not as drastically as Malice).  The premise is good, the characters are likable, but the presentation suffers.  This translates to an overall flat experience when it's painfully obvious that this game could've been so much more.  You play as Death Jr, more affectionately referred to as "DJ" by your frien...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Transitional Champion 0

SmackDown! vs RAW is the 6th installment in Yuke's immensely successful PSone/PS2 wrestling franchise.  Through the years, the game has simply become better and better, and this year the big new features are online play and SuperStar voice-overs.  With everything from Here Comes the Pain plus Online play and voices, how could they go wrong?  Well, as a die-hard wrestling fan, I must say I'm a little disappointed even though SmackDown still remains the best wrestling game on the market.    G...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

A Step in the Wrong Direction, But Classic Mode Rocks 0

THUG2 is the 6th Tony Hawk game in as many years from Neversoft.  Every year people expect the series to stall, but every year the guys at Neversoft churn out another masterpiece of skating.  Last year they took the series in a new direction by implementing a story mode that focused on you becoming a pro.  This year they continue with this idea but take yet another step farther away from the original games.  In THUG2, you are a pro skater, and you have been kidnapped and taken to an undiscl...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

One More Again 0

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland is the seventh installment of the Tony Hawk series in seven years. years?  Anyway, THAW is also the third re-invention of the series after 4 incredible Pro Skater games and 2 debatable Underground games.  Thankfully, American Wasteland returns the series to its skater roots after going off on a Jackass style tangent the last two years.  The core of the game is still the same though, and the addictive control scheme is still in tact.  The gimmick i...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.