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Average score of 92 user reviews

I like games 0

Don't write something dumb!Your review must be at least 100 words long.Use clear, easy-to-follow language whenever possible.Remember: Your words may be the words that sway a reader into buying or avoiding this product. So act responsibly!Remember that there's an entire wiki page that should already be full of story details and other facts about the product you're reviewing. We welcome full-on professional reviews, but if you're interested in keeping it short, stick to your thoughts and observati...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

I like games 0

Don't write something dumb!Your review must be at least 100 words long.Use clear, easy-to-follow language whenever possible.Remember: Your words may be the words that sway a reader into buying or avoiding this product. So act responsibly!Remember that there's an entire wiki page that should already be full of story details and other facts about the product you're reviewing. We welcome full-on professional reviews, but if you're interested in keeping it short, stick to your thoughts and observat...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Testing 1 2 3 1

Don't write something dumb!Your review must be at least 100 words long.Use clear, easy-to-follow language whenever possible.Remember: Your words may be the words that sway a reader into buying or avoiding this product. So act responsibly!Remember that there's an entire wiki page that should already be full of story details and other facts about the product you're reviewing. We welcome full-on professional reviews, but if you're interested in keeping it short, stick to your thoughts and observati...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Testing 1 2 3 0

Don't write something dumb!Your review must be at least 100 words long.Use clear, easy-to-follow language whenever possible.Remember: Your words may be the words that sway a reader into buying or avoiding this product. So act responsibly!Remember that there's an entire wiki page that should already be full of story details and other facts about the product you're reviewing. We welcome full-on professional reviews, but if you're interested in keeping it short, stick to your thoughts and observati...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Testing 1 2 3 0

Don't write something dumb!Your review must be at least 100 words long.Use clear, easy-to-follow language whenever possible.Remember: Your words may be the words that sway a reader into buying or avoiding this product. So act responsibly!Remember that there's an entire wiki page that should already be full of story details and other facts about the product you're reviewing. We welcome full-on professional reviews, but if you're interested in keeping it short, stick to your thoughts and observati...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Testing 1 2 3 0

Don't write something dumb!Your review must be at least 100 words long.Use clear, easy-to-follow language whenever possible.Remember: Your words may be the words that sway a reader into buying or avoiding this product. So act responsibly!Remember that there's an entire wiki page that should already be full of story details and other facts about the product you're reviewing. We welcome full-on professional reviews, but if you're interested in keeping it short, stick to your thoughts and observati...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Testing 1 2 3 0

Don't write something dumb!Your review must be at least 100 words long.Use clear, easy-to-follow language whenever possible.Remember: Your words may be the words that sway a reader into buying or avoiding this product. So act responsibly!Remember that there's an entire wiki page that should already be full of story details and other facts about the product you're reviewing. We welcome full-on professional reviews, but if you're interested in keeping it short, stick to your thoughts and observat...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

The greatest painting simulator 0

Don't write something dumb!Your review must be at least 100 words long.Use clear, easy-to-follow language whenever possible.Remember: Your words may be the words that sway a reader into buying or avoiding this product. So act responsibly!Remember that there's an entire wiki page that should already be full of story details and other facts about the product you're reviewing. We welcome full-on professional reviews, but if you're interested in keeping it short, stick to your thoughts and observat...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Strike three. 13

Dragon Age II was... a rather polarising game, to say the least. Its rushed development cycle lead to a lot of blatant corner cutting, with much of the many hallmarks of Dragon Age: Origins torn away with little to make up for it. Though now we have Dragon Age: Inquisition, the third entry in the series and one that's been allowed some actual legroom for BioWare to really flex their muscles and go for something bigger than either of its predecessors! Bigger doesn't necessarily equate to better,...

15 out of 19 found this review helpful.

Resident Evil Within. 13

The Evil Within is a wonderful thing. While it unfortunately isn't quite a return to the survival horror of old, it at least makes for a brilliant blending of the then and now. It involves a lot of the hallmarks of the latter day Resident Evil games, while also incorporating the harsh nature and limited supplies of their forebearers.Being lead by famed Japanese developer Shinji Mikami and his newly founded studio of Tango Gameworks, The Evil Within paves a path with its influences firmly placed ...

23 out of 26 found this review helpful.

...Maybe wait for the Wii U version instead. 5

SSB3DS has an attractive cell-shaded look to it, though you can choose to tone it down slightly if you wish.I have never owned a Nintendo Entertainment System, nor its Super variety. What few games I've played that originated on that system have all been emulated elsewhere, and when I mean few I quite literally mean maybe... between 3-5 games. While I also eventually became a proud owner of an N64 and GameCube, my nostalgia for Nintendo has never run especially deep.Yet despite that, the Super S...

9 out of 13 found this review helpful.

*Insert dumb as rocks Barry Burton quote here* 19

If there's one constant throughout all of Resident Evil, it's that Hunters will mess you up real good.The original Resident Evil has certainly seen quite its share of re-releases over the years, some more drastic than others. The 2002 remake I'm sure is the one that most look fondly untowards, and for good reason. Yet despite it being released 4 years after and keeping things centred around the very original, Deadly Silence is still what I consider a standout for the number of improvements and a...

7 out of 7 found this review helpful.

Leon, where's Leon?? Well I'm sorry, but he's probably... 2

Like in RE5, Mercs 3D allows cooperative play for up to 2-playersThe long-running Mercenaries minigame from the Resident Evil series has always made for an entertaining, score-focussed alternative to the main story. While technically speaking the Mercenaries minigame first originated in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, it was Resident Evil 4's interpretation that has stuck with the series for so long and has now been released as its own stand-alone game.The concept behind releasing a game that is stric...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Wow, what a MANSION!! 0

Note: I originally posted this on 19th February, 2010, but it's no longer listed in my user-reviews tab, and DLC reviews in general have been rather broken overall as of late. So, I decided to repost it to see how the situation fairs.Lost In Nightmares stars players as the original and most iconic of Resident Evil duos, Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine, amidst their mission to apprehend Ozwell E. Spencer. Brief moments were given via flashbacks in Resident Evil 5, but now you're given the chanc...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Wow, what a MANSION!! 0

Note: I originally posted this on 19th February, 2010, but it's no longer listed in my user-reviews tab, and DLC reviews in general have been rather broken overall as of late. So, I decided to repost it to see how the situation fairs.Lost In Nightmares stars players as the original and most iconic of Resident Evil duos, Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine, amidst their mission to apprehend Ozwell E. Spencer. Brief moments were given via flashbacks in Resident Evil 5, but now you're given the chanc...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

What a rush. 0

Note to self: never mix cornflakes with cocaine.Set during the end stretch of 80s Miami, Hotline Miami has you take up the role of a nameless, voiceless protagonist, as you smash, cut, cleave, slice shoot, boot, stomp, whack, and generally eviscerate your way through a number of pixel people.The game's premise and much of its overall narrative is intentionally left as somewhat vague, obscure, and maybe even a little obtuse. But it works within the game's themes, and does what only video games ca...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

A fantastic little origin story that is vital for fans of The Last of Us. 0

Don't let the image fool you; there's a healthy amount of humour to go alongside the game's suitably grim coatingMany months have passed since the release of The Last of Us, which still stands as my favourite game of 2013, and one of my favourite games across the whole previous generation. Left Behind, the first and sadly last piece of single-player DLC, is also some of the best DLC I have played in recent memory.Focusing on the ever lovable Ellie, Left Behind gives you two separate stories, eac...

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

My time is now! My time is now! My time is now! 3

There's plenty of passive skills to unlock & grow, but they rarely amount to much.If you've played one, you've played 'em all, and even if you haven't played one, chances are high that you're well aware of the seemingly never ceasing assembly line of Koei's Warriors games. The latest in the original franchise of this conglomerate, being Dynasty Warriors, continues on the series current-gen trend of amplifying the amount of flash that occurs on screen, and, well... not much else. If anything ...

7 out of 8 found this review helpful.

The Next Great Sequel in The Prototype Series. 2

SRIV offers up the expected degree of customisation--and then some--to create whatver the Hell you want. Oh, Saints Row. Never has been there a series that has taken such ridiculous strides in tone this fast than the Saints Row series. Starting off as little more than something to fill the gap of a (then) next-gen Grand Theft Auto in 2006, it then slowly but surely grew into its own beast, filled with its own brand of surreal and referential humour, and an increasing focus on its 'Just do whatev...

8 out of 9 found this review helpful.

One of the best Resident Evil games in years. 2

It's not quite a return to The World of Survival Horror, but it's... better than Resident Evil 6The once esteemed Resident Evil series has, to put it lightly, been in a bit of a rut lately. 2012 was a year where fans of the series should have been overjoyed to find that there was not one, not two, but three Resident Evil games all released within the one year. Revelations was by far the best of the bunch, though it was unfortunately restricted to the 3DS user-base. Now a year later, so long as y...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Awwwwww, c'mon! No, seriously. 7

Say bye-bye to Locust skins and Hell No to Red vs Blue...I began my time with the famed Gears of War series a little late, sometime during 2009. Though to this day do I wish I could have been there on day one, to marvel alongside everyone else at such a fantastic game and a promising start to a series. I've enjoyed my time with all three prior Gears games immensely, and while I can't deny that I've gotten a significant amount of enjoyment out of its latest release, Gears of War: Judgment, there'...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

''F*** This Planet.'' - John Carver, 2013. 3

The times you get to explore in space make for some of the most memorable moments in Dead Space 3.The recurring comparisons between the Dead Space series and the Aliens franchise have fitted perfectly with one another. The original Dead Space, with its slow, plodding pacing packed within some incredible atmosphere, marred successfully with the original Alien movie. Dead Space 2 picked up things, including the pace, and expanded upon the variety and the amount of enemy encounters very much akin t...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Exactly what it says on the tin. 6

''What the fuck just happened?!'' is something I found myself almost routinely exclaiming/shouting/screaming/gurgling during my time playing Anarchy Reigns, the latest brawler from top-quality developer Platinum Games. A sort-of sequel to the Wii-exclusive Mad World, Anarchy Reigns twists the 'franchise' upside down, trading in its single-player focussed, arena combat origins for a multiplayer brawler. Sure, there's a story campaign in here--in fact there's technically two--but that's not the re...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Fare thee well, sweet prince. 13

Oh boy. Where to even begin? I've been a fan of this franchise since the very beginning back in 1996; Resident Evil was my childhood, and the very original just so happened to be one of the first games that I played. I adored this stuff during the 90s and early oughts. However, once came Resident Evil 4, things changed. Now I'm not going to lambaste Resident Evil 4 as some evil mark of damnation--it's a great game by all means--but it's not why I personally came to this series; it's not why I wa...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Quite possibly the best Superman game ever released. 1

Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes is arguably the best Lego game thus far. Much like Lego Star Wars III before it with its light RTS mechanics, Lego Batman 2 attempts to diverge somewhat and push forward the formula by greatly expanding its HUB, matching the breadth and size of an actual open-world, and including voiced-dialogue for the cutesy little minifigs.Much like its predecessor, Lego Batman, Lego Batman 2 doesn't follow the narrative of any one particular movie series and instead cooks up it...

5 out of 6 found this review helpful.

L-O-L, L-I-P, OOOOO-P!!!.. Chainsaw. 0

Zombies! Remember those? Well the blighters have gone and decided to trash a San Romero High School, and on the pig-tail sporting barely-legal protagonist Juliet Starling's birthday no less. But have no fear, for Juliet is a chainsaw brandishing, pom-pom packin' zombie hunter. With 'great tits' as I am to believe - that's the game writer's words not mine!Flaunting the leading heroine as a mix of Buffy Summers and Elvira, with a tint of Princess Robot Bubblegum, Lollipop Chainsaw is very adamant ...

4 out of 5 found this review helpful.

An outstanding port, even if the games themselves are less so. 3

Originally released on the PSP, The God of War: Origins Collections attempts to fill in some of the 'gaps' during series leading mass murderer Kratos' arc. But what was no doubt an impressive technical feat on the psp--giving players about what they'd expect from a God of War game just now containable within a pocket--when put against the franchise's console endeavours (including the original HD collection), it all feels a little flat in comparison. Ghost of Sparta most certainly has its moments...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

To put it bluntly, it's a load of 糞 3

It's fun to hang with the: Y-K-Z-A!Y'know what the Yakuza franchise could do with a little more of? Zombies! And while we're at it, how about we exchange the visceral melee combat with the shooting from Dead Rising! Finally, to top it all off, let's recycle all of Yakuza 3/4's Adventure elements and call it a day.I'm willing to bet that's not actually how the sit down for conceptualising Yakuza Dead Souls played out, but it's certainly how I imagined things after finally putting my time with und...

5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

All reviews lead to Hell. 10

I never had any delusions of Grandeur going in to Slant Six's attempt at creating a Resident Evil game stripped away of all the trappings of survival horror, leaving you with a dry-cut third person shooter set during the events of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3. Given their history and the genre, and the way the game was shaping up in all of the trailers, I was certain that it was hardly going to be released to high praise. What I had hoped, however, was that my love for the franchise's lor...

17 out of 18 found this review helpful.

God giveth and God taketh away... again! 0

I have to admit, overall the Saints Row The Third Season Pass was a particular disappointment. While Trouble With Clones, the final piece of story DLC for Saints Row The Third, is my favourite of the three, its 30 or so minute running time and crushingly disappointing lack of rewards sour what could have been a suitable ending to the Saints Row The Third narrative.Not quite the reunion I was hoping for.Johnny Gat, the equally chaotic and cool best friend to The Boss, and his death in SRTT was on...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

In Space, no one can hear you groan. 0

I'd rather have just paid for this as a poster.The second piece of ''substantial'' DLC content released for Saints Row The Third is at the very least a markedly improved stash of stuff over its predecessor, the iterative activity dump that is Genki Bowl VII, but of course that doesn't exactly stand for much. Speaking as a singular piece of content, however, Gangstas in Space is also relatively poor but unlike Genki Bowl does still manage to reimburse players with some of the reasons as to what m...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

A welcome addition to the Season Pass bundle, but nothing more. 0

Expanding on the highly enjoyable cooperative campaign, simply title Cooperative Adventure, The Fort acts as a prelude to the loose tale of Nathan Drake and his many cohorts attempting to thwart Zoran Lazarevic in a neat little alternate universe where Zoran is also once more paired with fellow Uncharted 2: Among Thieves antagonist Harry Flynn, and more surprisingly even Eddy Raja from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.It was a fun bundle of fiction, that mixed in elements of all three games;...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Genki Commands you to read this user-review. 7

The first ''substantial'' piece of DLC has finally arrived, offering up new activities, Homies, outfits and vehicles. The fact that everything new there is to do and see can be wrapped up under an hour is a notable downside to what is otherwise a relatively creative endeavour.GENKI MADNESS! Or more specifically, Genki Bowl VII (which is once more commentated by the reprisal of Zach and Bobby) has opened up within Steelport and the infamous ''Boss'' of the Third Street Saints gang (or whatever th...

6 out of 7 found this review helpful.

Y'all know me, I'm a real OG - Saints Row, B**ch! 0

Alright chums, less do this.The Stilwater-based Third Street Saints gang have certainly come along away since their arrival in 2006. What was originally a fairly grounded, but still ridiculous, street-gang, out to eradicate other equally ridiculous, but still somewhat believable, street gangs have evolved into Volition's latest open-world epic bonanza of pure, thick, almost physically manifested insanity that is Saints Row The Third.After the events during Saints Row 2 and The Saints acquired al...

7 out of 10 found this review helpful.

The one ring to rule them all. 3

For what it was, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves was near perfect in my honest opinion. It bridged a chasm of platforming, shooting, puzzle and some occasional stealth obstacles, all smoothly fitted and handled like a dream (well, some of the stealth stuff was a little kooky). The storyline wasn't particularly deep, but it had style, flair and a great cast of characters. It's completely subjective of course, but many would likely consider Uncharted 2 as one of the greatest games of this current gener...

11 out of 14 found this review helpful.

When you came in, the air went out... 1

Festival of Blood is completely stand-alone, and doesn't require a copy of inFAMOUS 2 to play. Unfortunately no bonuses are gifted for the sake of any inFAMOUS 2 data on your hard drive, however.When Hell is full, the undead will walk the Earth. And when there are too many goddamn zombie-themed expansions in video games, Vampires will walk the streets of New Marais. In a style similar to Red Dead Redemption's Undead Nightmare expansion last year, Sucker Punch have anted up their game with a horr...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

It's like deja vu, but with a price tag. 0

Recycling is great for the environment. It's unfortunate, however, how close to the heart CAPCOM have followed through with this prospect. At this point in their lifespan, CAPCOM are well known--and criticised in some cases--for their liberty to often release at least one ulterior edition for their biggest releases. The results can vary from one extreme end of the spectrum to the other; sometimes these ''Super, Delux, Ultra, Special, Directors Cut, Dualshock'' editions come fitted with a welcome...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

One of the most fun and frantic shooters you can find. 0

Sony has been pushing the third chapter of the constant collision between humanity and the Chimeran invaders (though they're now our landlords more than anything) pretty hard since it's official announcement in 2010; playing through the games fantastic single player campaign will show you why. Even with the sacrifices Resistance 3 made over its predeccesor within the multiplayer department, its campaign easily ranks as the best within the main series.Four years after Resistance 2 and humanity is...

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Ho hum in spots, but complete laugh out loud in others. 0

Ever since Naughty Dog left the building, the Crash Bandicoot series has treaded upon a wobbly line of mixed reviews for all of the later entries. Crash Twinsanity is easily one of the best non-ND Crash Bandicoot games, though it still features a laundry list of issues that pull the brakes on what could have been a solid comeback for the crazed, mullet/mohawk sporting marsupial.A lot of the humour surrounding Cortex is what makes for the best parts of the game.Crash Twinsanity actually breaks aw...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

inFAMOUS 2 is a Beast. 2

There's an easy distinction between an open world game, and a sandbox. Open world games primarily use their open world mostly as a setting alone to portray realistic interactions, show off impressive environments and to mostly push the story forward, like Mafia 2, L.A Noire and for a less recent example, Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Sandboxes, on the other hand, are mostly striving to give you a giant playground full of opportunities for mayhem, carnage, destruction and many more terms relating to ma...

14 out of 17 found this review helpful.