@av_gamer: A lot of fans do get this and are very very angry about it. It's insane to me how much vitriol there is about TLOU2, which is a game I didn't even like that much (mostly because I thought it was too long and very repetitive in its structure) but that some people REALLY hate. And they've all heard why Joel's fate is what it is and they reject it for various reasons, many of which come down to misogyny of one form or another.
TLOU fanbase is super toxic to the point where I kind of hope they don't make another one. I think it's inevitable that they will though.
TLDR: I liked the game and can see how it's long and repetitive, but still enjoyed it. Some reasons I might have thought it was long, I rented and forced myself to beat it in like a week like most to avoid spoilers. The surrounding discourse is toxic, not cause hey they hate a game I like, but it's hard to tell whose in good faith or just in the culture war. I also think it's easy to see that Joel isn't perfect.
As someone who really liked TLOU 2 and thought gameplay wise, people way underrated it just causes it's longer and they didn't like the story. I thought last of us 2 was about 2x as long or more than the first, and a lot of us played it in a few sittings and somewhat overstate how repetitive it is. I agree it could be shorter, and you are doing similar situations, but the amount of details in the environment, the playground of ways you can tackle things with tight responsive controls, the way the AI reacts to you and the humans morn their friends and feel less like random body 100 than other games. The complex locations they add for just a few scenes. It's why I think for all the hate AAA gaming gets for being unwilling to do anything but play it safe, I'm glad they exist. Just like Hollywood blockbusters, i'd miss them if they were gone. The only opportunity you get to put so much money in a game or story where you challenge an audience that lets face it has gotten way more divisive since, well just look out the window. They made a big budget game where they told the audience if you didn't get that the guy wasn't 100% moral here well make it clear. It's a very gray area game, something that you just would otherwise avoid in a please everyone sorta way that I respect for AAA. Like I know GTA 6 is coming out and will get the usual nitpicks and grifters crying that it's bad but that series is kinda safe to do as they please. It's all a silly parody and people won't take it too serious unless it really makes fun of their political side or something, I guess. But a game like last of us turning and not only that, doubling down since the live action looks to be following not changing the story to appease to those who hated the game, is commendable. Especially with such a big actor.
Anyway, I'm off track like usually, lol. I do agree that valid good faith takes that you don't like the repetition or length of the game get bogged down and joined up cause the toxic discussions over that game. I can see someone not liking the violence as well, but people try to cater their opinions around the story, nitpicks, and misunderstandings of themes or reductionist (it's a story only about revenge bad) takes. It's a blender of legit grievances (opinions, I know) from good and bad faith actors. Yes a ton are like most discussions today, hiding behind repeating YouTuber essays (come on everyone didn't come down to the same exact sentences of talking points why last of us is bad), and veiled misogyny.
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