I hate the cloud. Well, I hate the Xbox's complete lack of control of the cloud at least.
I've been playing Floppy Knights on Game Pass. It's on both PC and Xbox and I've been going back and forth between both version, which share a save in the cloud. Something happened to my PC save file when I tried to fire it up there. Some sort of error about not being able to sync properly, and it asked me if I wanted to use an older save instead. It told me nothing about what this older save was, and with no way to check what the hell it was, I just assumed it was some sort of alternate save made somewhere at some point by the almighty cloud god, or maybe a console save or something. Turns out, whatever the hell it pulled from was a completely fresh save. "Well.... Guess I'll fire up my console version and play it there instead.", not realizing in the moment that doing so was going to automatically pull in the new PC cloud save and overwrite my progress there too. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck".
It's a shame because I was really enjoying the game. In this, The Year of the Tile Game, 2022 I don't know if it's necessarily the deepest one of those, but it was pretty cute, and combined it with some deck building aspects, which I'm down for as something of a card fetishist. I could have seen it making my game of the year list this year, and now I just feel super bad that I probably won't be able to go back to it after being about 3/4 of the way done with it. But if you need to play another tile game this year, maybe check out Floppy Knights.

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