Not unexpected but I am glad they are at least keeping it online. The game itself was not half bad, I played a decent amount of it when it was added to PS plus.
1. The Big Con2. Metal Slug Tactics
I honestly just assumed the kids in Bubble Bobble 2 were just some random kids. The fact that they are actually the dragon kids will disturb me to no end.
We Love Katamari
I'll vote for Still Wakes the DeepMy second choice would be Have a Nice Death
At this point I suspect being sent to the Beyond Good & Evil 2 team means they lock you in a room in the basement filled with a bunch of skeletons of people they have been slowly disposing of over...
I'll say Evil West
I'm just going to vote for BroForce to create even more ties! Also Figment would be my second choice
Well, I got it free thanks to buying a new GPU recently. Have not tried it much but I can say it sure does look good visually. That English VO did not even try to lip sync though.... like at all.
1. Broforce
Well, just don't buy the last 2 gens on Intel processors and you should be fine
@brian_: My guess is both.
This is art!
Broforce will win one day by Attrition I swear 1 - Broforce2 - Botony Manor
1. Broforce2. Botany Manor
I will vote for Broforce
PersonZ Returns with another Giant Bomb Community Endurance Run
Hello Everyone,Who need's sleep? Certainly not me.......I am here to announce that I will once again be taking part in the Giant Bomb Community Endurance run this year. This will be my 9th year partic...
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