Great write-up, duder. I feel this. I've been in states of mind that made me much less appreciative (or negative) of what I was experiencing. And unfortunately I've only been fully cognisant of it in ...
Oh man. Excellent one-two punch combo with these Civ articles! Great read, as always.Yeah, I always found the PEACE EARTH WE OUT-idea bewildering. Wouldn't the miraculous technology required be better...
Oh hey, if you enjoyed Seal of the Pharaoh, you might be interested in this obscure, forgotten gem called King's Field
I had a lovely old time with this one as well! Indeed a ★★★★☆-type of soothing, relaxing puzzle experience.While it's true it doesn't really matter, I've also referred to this as a first person (puzzl...
Marvelous month! Also a big proponent of Weird Little Guys. Stamp Guy does strike me as a exemplar of the form, even if he ain't no Tingle. (Then again, who is?)Continuing on that Little Guy tip: man,...
I think it can be easy for overly plugged-in gamethusiasts to get caught up in the GOTY rush and stress about barreling through all the "right" games— much preferable place to be in, if you are able t...
While I love Katamari Damacy, (indeed a perfect game, yeah!) this one does not hit me the same way— it's still Katamari, sure, but does not feel as joyous and uplifting to me. Perhaps it's just dimini...
Happy birthday, ZP!! Thank you for all your hard work, it is appreciated! Hope you had a good one. And I hope everyone has something to be thankful for.
[Mock-up for the Drill Man fight]To be fair, I can imagine different media based on UT, as there is precedent for stories about Violent Futuresports. Spelunky as well: I think you could make a deeply ...
Yo, welcome back again, and happy belated anniversary! I believe a great scientist and scholar once said "Life, uh, [gets in] the way." Hope you're doing well.Almost forgot I'd made this to mark the o...
Riveting, thorough analysis! Can't put it any better than @junkerman did. Stellar work!I'm more of a casual Halo-liker, and hadn't actually Finished a Fight until I rolled through the Master Chief Col...
I'll just shamelessly copy the comment I left on @gamer_152's great piece:I ended up enjoying the game more than I thought I would— it does trod a quite well-worn path, but the great presentation, act...
I've probably been consistently annoying with my comments, but I've genuinely, thorougly enjoyed this series and always looked forward to reading when a new entry popped up. Glad it was fun to make as...
@gbgapbridger: Thank you!@snen: And thank you! :D Though I must admit I did not manage to Get Over It reach the hole. Still, a funny and unique Foddian experience. Are you working on anything long-for...
Great write-up!Minor note about Secret Agent Wizard: I belive it's mainly being developed by John. David is currently (also) working on the Condemned-inspired Butcher's CreekYess, in this house we sta...
Sweet! I've been curious about this one, especially after quite enjoying Islets. Seems this dev was cooking from the jump. Also: Nifflas mentioned!! Big fan of that lovely Swede. Pardon me if you alre...
@bigsocrates: Thank you! An ideal to which we all can aspire....Well, the fabulousness, less so the abusive parenting.
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