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  • BeauBelBehemu posted a message in the forum topic What do you do for fun outside of Videogames?. on the Off-Topic board

    Trying out card games, tabletop games, and obscure import JRPGs with other people. I might go to live events to watch people since this is exciting to find out breakthroughs how to beat ace opponents....

  • BeauBelBehemu posted a message in the forum topic Do you ever/have you ever gone "scorched earth" on your online presence?. on the Off-Topic board

    I had no attachment to my online personae, so I could enter closure after many of the trends. I did what I could to lighten my friends day, take the defence for those trolled by others. In the current...

  • BeauBelBehemu posted a message in the forum topic Rate the last movie you watched.. on the Off-Topic board

    Bob Marley: One Love: Dramatic with its actors upkeeping relatability, uplifting about me knowing the context why he's popular to this day, and thought-provoking about his movement. I rate it a 8/10.

  • BeauBelBehemu posted a message in the forum topic Which do you choose at a BBQ. on the Off-Topic board

    Forasmuch as I do heart the convenience of the hotdog, the hamburger is more multifarious with what condiments I can add. Perhaps the plain flavor of beef is best for tasting more of the sauce compare...

  • BeauBelBehemu posted a message in the forum topic Facebook Increases Meta Quest 2 Price By $100. on the General Discussion board

    Fascinating. The VR sounds as though it outstripped my expectations more than being "all-right" against everything on the market. I'll wait what develops out of it if they can make it work just for hi...

  • BeauBelBehemu posted a message in the forum topic Do you care about Halloween?. on the Off-Topic board

    Yes, I without a shadow of a doubt do. Annually, I take the littles ones with me to hunt for candy or the more seasoned ones to parties where there are more adult treats. I can do anything, anyway I l...

  • BeauBelBehemu posted a new image.