I donated.
Zelda just being the LTTP map AGAIN has honestly killed any interest I had in the game. Give me something new
@blackadder88 said:at this point why not just combine gameSpot and giant bomb into one sitegiantbomb.gamespot.comIt worked for GameFAQs!
@maikeruwiruson: If you remove the "weird Italian clown" affectation that Charles Martinet added to the character, Mario isn't much more than a fairly generic, stoic hero character. Which is right in ...
I think they're being a little harsh on Chris Pratt. He's fine. Charlie Day is just doing a Charlie Day voice. He doesn't sound like Luigi, but he's getting heaps of praise from the GB staff.
My favorite thing about the soundtrack in this game is that the composition is the same throughout a world, but each level in increasingly more deranged. Like level one starts out with soft strings, b...
@theonewhoplays:exactly. gushing about weed is something I'd expect from a high-school student. Not a professional adult.
hearing people over the age of 30 talk about how much they love weed is the saddest, most pathetic thing.
Wasn't this obvious?
trying to keep up with everyone who has left the site over the years is too much. That's why I only listen to the podcasts from Giant Bomb Dot Com
That Ernest Cline poem reminds me of the bizarre Brian Wilson rap song where he raps about liking smart girls over various Beach Boy sampleshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id4a_eswyvk
@jasonr86:That seems to be pretty accurate. You can see the actual union-agreed wages on SAG-AFTRA's site.https://www.sagaftra.org/files/2020InteractiveRateSheetFinal.pdfSo Nintendo/Platinum essential...
Prediction: Mario's dad will be in this movie, played by Charles Martinet in a cameo. He will be implied to be the original "Jumpman" who fought the original Donkey Kong (now Cranky Kong)
Forget Martinet, release the Marc Graue cut!
Chris Pratt was great in the LEGO Movie, so I know he's got chops. Two lines is not enough to judge an entire performance. Mario being a regular guy with a Brooklyn accent works way better in a movie...
love these. they need to be two hours SPOILER
I was wondering when Merritt would show up on one of these. Between this show and Arcade Pit it seems like everybody else from Fanbyte has been a guest recently
@facelessvixen said:B) Buy the game, but be at the mercy of people who are strongly against buying the game and would label me as a TERF, and kinda feel like an asshole towards LGBTQIA+ people.Nobody ...
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