It was something else. I've been to quite a lot of live music, even in the past couple of years since the pandemic, and Springsteen was something else. It was at Wembley Stadium in London, and I have honestly never seen "Stadium Rock" before. 60,000+ packed into this incredible venue, and it was just like...this special atmosphere. Any fan of The Boss will know his music is pretty much made to be listened to live, but until you're there, in front of The E Street Band- It's like no other gig I've ever been to.
My only detriment, and this is down to me being a fan of some very particular songs, is that I think the Saturday show had a better setlist than the Thursday, but it's all subjective. I found out the Saturday show had "The River" and "Darkness on the Edge of Town"- The top 2 in my top 5, but that doesn't mean the set was any less special. Hearing 60,000 plus singing along to "Born to Run" and "Badlands" was something I won't soon forget. All in all, an absolutely remarkable show
Closing comments: I didn't expect, in such a big show, for it to feel so intimate. It was like he was holding each and every persons hand, singing directly to them.
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