I don't think we should talk about this problem as if it's limited to gaming-focused communities. Sexism, harassment, bullying, and people being trashy bastards in general is a problem in pretty much any community, and it can be especially vile towards women and minorities. It's a societal issue that needs to be studied and discussed at a much higher level than just one singular hobby, even a hobby as widespread as video games. Still, since this was asked specifically in regards to video games, I'll talk about it in that context.
What can be done in the hobby itself? Publishers and developers can better enforce rules about harassment and misbehavior. Forums and internet boards can also enforce these rules better. Permanently prevent assholes from returning, whether that's an IP ban or a MAC address ban or whatever. Alternatively, allow them to return to the game, but force them to be an object of ridicule - they have to wear a skin that marks them as a shitty individual or something. Or, if they're into competitive games, knock their rank all the way down. You might have made it to the higher ranks, but make sportsmanship part of the higher ranks - if you can't behave, you can't be there, and you can't brag about it. Or, secretly put them in matchmaking queues that only match them up against hackers and other assholes.
What can us gamers do specifically? Call out publishers and developers who don't actively try to keep assholes out of their games. They have a financial incentive to not really care if some of those people are there, because some of them spend a lot of time and money on their game (or games) of choice. If a massive enough group of people raise enough hell on Twitter, or on that game's specific forums, or publicly call it out, they'll do something. Note - the people who can do something about this aren't paying attention to your rants on Giantbomb forums or your favorite subreddit. These comments have to be seen, and they have to be in great enough numbers for the people at the top to do something. Oh, and they have to justify this to shareholders, because you're cutting off a source of revenue when you prevent Jimmy Dickwad from spending five hundred dollars on Fortnite or Counter-Strike or whatever every month. Note that you should be careful not to become a harrasser yourself - this isn't going to be solved instantly, and will probably never be solved entirely.
What can you do, by yourself, just you? Be nice. Treat people with respect. Anyone concerned about this almost certainly already does, but it's worth mentioning. I don't think that calling assholes out specifically is always the best idea - often, these guys are happy to harass you in ways you can't even fathom if you speak out against them - really, you're just starting another argument and you aren't going to win it. Instead, it's best to encourage liberal use of the mute button and speak up in a nice way and be friendly to other people. Most people playing games aren't assholes, they just aren't speaking up at all. If more people spoke up in multiplayer games and they were friendly, it wouldn't feel so hostile, and the worst members of humanity wouldn't be so confident about being awful all the time.
For being friendly in online games - never forget that it's a game, and that someone else is trying to have their own fun. Never publicly blame someone else for your team losing. Do your best, take the loss and move on. If you're trying to be competitive and you want to move up in the ranks, find a dedicated group, you'll have more fun.
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