It's hard to believe that only one year ago Kanye West was in his "beef" with 50 Cent about who can sell more copies of their album. Loser would have to ditch the music business for good. In the end, Kanye won and 50 could never release another album again (Yay). But as no surprise, 50 Cent is schedule to release his album sometime this December (I think).

One year ago, if you would have told me that I would have wished 50 would have sold more records so Kanye couldn't release his next album, I would sock you. But that is exactly how I feel about it today. I have been listening to Kanye's newest album 1-900 and Sextalks and most of the time I am in pain. It isn't exactly the music that is so bad. Actually the beats on the album aren't too bad. I think Graduation was a great gateway to this Electro/Hip-Hop sound. But on this album, Kanye completely ditches any trace of Hip-Hop (except for 808 drum beats. And there are ALOT of those). Hip-Hop isn't the only thing Kanye is missing. There is no soul. I'm sure this is no surprise to anybody who heard Graduation, but I was hoping that Kanye would mix together his Electro/Soul/Hip-Hop into probably the most original and maybe best new sound to come out in a while. But no, instead of being classic Kanye, we get robo-Kanye. Instead of a good Hip-Hop album, we get Electro/Pop.
The beats, as bad as I might have made them sound, were actaully the best thing about the album. I haven't even begun to tear this album apart, but I'll try to keep it short. Just to get this out of the way, it is true, Kanye does not rap ONE SINGLE BAR in this entire album. Instead...he sings. I have heard Ye try to sing in some of his other songs, he sounds bad. Now I'm not saying Kanye is the best rapper evarz!, but his rapping is a helluva lot more tolerable than his singing. But wait, as if him singing alone isn't bad enough. Every time he even speaks, he has a fucking autotune hooked up. What the fuck, Kanye? When did you turn into T-Pain? I'll go over this Autotune problem later in another blog, but trust me, it won't be pretty.
Alright, so we have an Electro Kanye fake bad singing to okay beats. How do the songs come together? They don't. The album has 12 songs (13 if you count My Angel, but I still can't figure out what the hell is up with that song) Out of all those songs, about 5 are actually good. 5/13 is not good. Compared to Graduation which was about a 12:14 good song ratio, this is a MAJOR step down. Those songs that are done well are the one's that don't rely on this autotune (cough Love Lockdown cough) and those with beats that resemble older Kanye style beats.

I have to give it to Yeezy to try something new. But please Kanye, didn't we already try enough with your last album? And if this was going to be attempted by anybody else, I'm sure they would have failed even worse (so take that as a compliment) But what we are left with is an annoying ass Kanye on annoying ass beats. Maybe this album was enough for Kanye to get the whole divorce thing out of his system so he can start making GOOD music again.
So in the end I'm am left with the words "What The Fuck Kanye?" bubbling in my mind.
Edit: Also, for those who want to say "Just give it time, it will grow on you." No it hasn't. I've been listening to this album for a week straight and none of the songs that I didn't like the first time still annoy me. After this, I will never listen to those select songs again.
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