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  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic What is your top 5 movies of all time?. on the Off-Topic board

    God, these are always tough but fun to do. Off the top of my head:1. Certified Copy2. LA Confidential3. Close Encounters of the Third Kind4. The Fugitive5. Jurassic ParkThese are, for sure, the films...

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic What do you do for fun outside of Videogames?. on the Off-Topic board

    I'm a full-time editor and part time author with a couple of books out from mid-sized presses (horror mostly). In other words, I read a lot. Much more than I game, actually. Also a bit of a film nerd....

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic Final Fantasy VI Is Over 30 Years Old! How/When Did You First Play It? What Moments Still Stick Out?. on the Final Fantasy VI board

    This is still, for me, the gold standard for RPGs of this style. I go back and forth on whether it's my favourite in the series (I consider it my fave of the classic style, with XII being my fave of ...

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic Official Petition to hire Mike Minotti FT. on the General Discussion board

    @cornfed40 said:-1Rehire Jason or Jess, or add a new full time video personSeconding this. I like Mike well enough, especially his chemistry with Grubb, but Jason and Jess brought more dissent and va...

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic Okay Square Enix, You Got Everyone Excited For Rebirth, But What's The Bait And Switch Going To Be This Time?. on the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth board

    Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I'm honestly so happy they're screwing with expectations. I'd much rather a reimagining/alt-history sequel than a straight-up remake of (to me) a mid-level FF. But...

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic Where did everybody go?. on the General Discussion board

    @splodge: I agree with this. I've been here since the beginning, and yeah, the vibe is different (and in some ways, a little less mature, which I find a bit tiresome at times as I enjoyed "growing up"...

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic Hottest Mess 2023: Mid-Year Check-In. on the General Discussion board

    Gollum not only being a hot mess but also leading the developer to hang up its development hat and to shift fully into publishing pushes it into the lead for me.

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic Waypoint shutting down amid layoffs at Vice. on the General Discussion board

    @ben_h: Honestly, the gallows humour approach is just what's needed. I love and admire how their approaching their final run. And it's so good to hear that at least some of this will (hopefully) conti...

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic vinny abby. on the General Discussion board

    Same. The energy they had was perfect. TBH, I kind of wish the Nextlander dudes could bring Abby in full time, because every time she's on stream with them the energy shifts in a great way. (It's alr...

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic Name an RPG you love but only like less than half the main cast?. on the General Discussion board

    FFVII, VIII, IX; Chrono Cross.Thought of saying FFXIII as well, but then I remembered it said an RPG you loved, and that is, for me, the lowest in the series.

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic Do you have enough time?. on the General Discussion board

    I absolutely don't. But it's been something I've realized for a lot of years. Gaming is one of my first loves—I was the youngest in my family by a wide margin and struggled to make friends growing up...

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic Has the game industry crossed the Rubicon regarding always online? Will players accept this?. on the General Discussion board

    Personally, living in an area where internet connectivity is spotty and also being someone who actively despises playing online—with friends or strangers—and only goes online on my consoles to browse...

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic Hogwarts Legacy and the Dilemma of Ethical Consumption. on the Hogwarts Legacy board

    @apewins: "Maybe it's time to take a loss on this one and move on to something else."Fucking gross, dude. Callous and pretty disgusting to tell a group of people, myself included, to just take the L w...

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic Let's support and celebrate inclusive authors. on the Off-Topic board

    As already mentioned, Nora Jemisin's work is incredible and incredibly inclusive. And despite being written by a couple of cis, straight white dudes, The Expanse series is amazing on that front. It n...

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic Hogwarts Legacy and the Dilemma of Ethical Consumption. on the Hogwarts Legacy board

    @theodoricfriede: The difference here is that Dahl is long dead while Rowling is alive and not only profiting off HP's continued relevance but actively using her platform and whatever growth it receiv...

  • Edens_Heel posted a message in the forum topic Hogwarts Legacy and the Dilemma of Ethical Consumption. on the Hogwarts Legacy board

    It's a fucking video game. Buy it and play it if you're going to, but don't act put upon if the trans/gender-nonconforming people in your life give you a hard sigh or a side-eye. IMO, as a trans pers...