Bailey on this plane is my spirit animal
End of an era- Rorie you're a treasure. Hope you are moving on to amazing stuff.R
Right about now, he's a beta cuck brothercheck him out now, he's a beta cuck brother
Just hire mitch already
@rlatham: To be fair to dan, I highly, highly doubt he's the one driving non-coverage of hogwarts. Unrelated, that grubb statement that humanity was happier before agriculture is a hell of a silly tak...
"I never feel cool in my life"- Dan
@rorie: it plays the latest dump truck when i hit play. when i try to download i just get a "forbidden:
The crew is solid and the larger amount of content is great. All I'll say is that it feels like Dan and Jerf's presence is weirdly light. They're two super fun personalities (especially together) a...
@broshmosh: Hey, I'm with you. If the rowling taint (which I think most people here recognize is real) will render you unable to enjoy the game, don't buy it. Why would anyone buy a videogame they wo...
I'm not one of the " there is no ethical consumption under capitalism" people (if the options are deprive yourself of happiness to have 0 effect on anything or be happy, be happy. The latter option ...
Gimme that year of Gooigi
@bisonhero: WEST SYDEEEEE
I love rorie but yeah, this game is not terribly challenging. seems like the classic gb skipped tutorial
I'd say Dan is more realistic than vamp OR psycho mantis
Can jess draw the crew in one punch man equivalents?
@falloutraven: Dude, GB is the most diverse it's ever been. Cherry picking one stream is just being a dick.
I like how antagonistic this pod gets. Also if Tamoor came up with Universal Serial Bussy on the fly he is some kind of monster.
It's awesome hearing Jess's passion for this game. I would love to see more of that from the crew.
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