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  • daltimond posted a message on the post Shirts!.

    Hello from the now. This came up because the 360 store was closing down and someone mentioned Schizoid and this video. First person to comment on this in 11 years.

  • daltimond posted a message in the forum topic Meet Noah Solis, the 8-Year-Old Fighting Game Wunderkind. on the EVO Championship Series board

    @ginormous76: He's doing pretty well in the game. The game is still new so he isnt one of the top players but he at least is competitive with the higher US players.

  • daltimond posted a message in the forum topic Meet Noah Solis, the 8-Year-Old Fighting Game Wunderkind. on the EVO Championship Series board

    No one will see this but noah is grown and plays sf6 now. Goes by Noahtheprodigy. I just realized he was this kid recently.

  • daltimond posted a message in the forum topic New video player rolling out today. on the Bug Reporting board

    Might have been said, but the video defaults to muted. If you hit the volume button to unmute it, the "play sound" notification stays at the top left of the video. It still goes away once you click it...

  • daltimond posted a message on the post Extra Life: Rorie and Jan [Part 2].

    The saddest thing about this video is that Level 10 was the last level of that Popeye game.

  • daltimond posted a message on the post Episode 2.

    I fell asleep during this livestream and it was running in the background. I had the craziest like fever dream nonsense happening while I was asleep. I maybe wouldn't recommend napping while this is ...

  • daltimond posted a message on the post 758: The Ted Danson Pack.

    @mellotronrules: Yeah, I get what you mean. I guess if this keeps studios alive then I'm not too mad. I'm just worried the backlash on remakes is going to end up leading to layoffs if they don't sell ...

  • daltimond posted a message on the post 758: The Ted Danson Pack.

    @mellotronrules: I totally get what you mean but it's honestly like kind of offensive to try to sell me the same thing again so soon. Like the teams can work on something else I'm sure. I'm not a game...

  • daltimond posted a message on the post 758: The Ted Danson Pack.

    Great show. Cool to hear how Jan found the site. I'm bummed that I wasn't paying attention to Gamespot back in the day. Not that anyone asked me but I learned about Gerstmann after he was fired from G...

  • daltimond posted a message on the post PlayStation 4 Launchstravaganza: Part 02.

    That chair totally spawn jumped, Vinny. You weren't crazy.

  • daltimond posted a message on the post PlayStation 4 Launchstravaganza: Part 01.

    Obligatory future comment. I think this console might do well.I come back to these console launch or console unveil videos every so often. Especially after a new console launch (Pro, PS5, One X, XBSX,...

  • daltimond posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 09/22/2022.

    @therusseller: Yeah I thought the same thing and so I went back to that Beastcast and there was. I wasn't in the show live so I don't know what chat was like during this show. I thought I was going cr...

  • daltimond posted a message on the post We Talk Over: D23 Expo 2022's Disney & Marvel Games Showcase.

    Hopefully someone got a recording of the stream. The twitch archive was muted and it looks like the Youtube and site archives are the same muted version ripped from twitch.

  • daltimond posted a message on the post Console Launchapalooza: The Xbox Series X.

    Braleff would be Brad, Alex and Jeffs fusion name.

  • daltimond posted a message on the post Meet the Future of PlayStation with Us.

    Watching this in 2022 and that Deep Down demo looks as good or maybe even better than games do now on PS5.@chrisflavin: If you go back to his old content on here you will realize he had a lot of bad t...

  • daltimond posted a message on the post Giant News.


  • daltimond posted a message on the post Giant News.

    Thanks, I hate it. Looking forward to at least see what the site becomes and what Gerstmann ends up doing.