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  • clovy posted a message on the post Official Playstation Magazine Issue 63.

    No shade but I just think it's kinda funny how Dan and Jeff mention how JRPGs are kinda the worst for streaming and playthroughs, but one of the biggest series of this site is just playing through lon...

  • clovy posted a message in the forum topic What's your favorite cynical critic (games/movies/shows/media)?. on the General Discussion board

    Honestly I'd consider Jeff Gerstmann and the Nextlander crew(not including Vinny cuz he's pretty positive for the most part) in this topic. Love them to bits and others may not agree but they fit my i...

  • clovy posted a message in the forum topic The full PS+ upgraded tier lists for NA are out and the games are available. I am part of the problem. Are you?. on the PlayStation Plus board

    I have mine through end of '23 so if I was to jump into the Premium tier, it would be 92ish bucks. Pretty steep but I'm kinda the same way as OP, was a lot more pleasantly surprised with the list than...

  • clovy posted a message on the post Giant News.

    The future of Giant Bomb is now! Big respect to Jeff for giving us this place. Looking forward to seeing what's next for the crew and for Jeff.

  • clovy posted a message in the forum topic Sad state of GB in 2022. on the General Discussion board

    While I get why posts like this would happen, I am very strongly in the other camp. While initially I was sad to see the old guard leave, I noticed my love for the site grew without them around. Why i...

  • clovy posted a message in the forum topic Bombathon Giveaway: Most Disappointing Game 2021. on the General Discussion board

    Gta remastered coming in broken was a big disappointment.

  • clovy posted a message on the post Dave Lang's Top 11 Games of 2020.

    Everyone remembers the first time they were "Monked"

  • clovy posted a message on the post Ep. 401 - Slender: The Arrival.

    I must have missed them talking about Abby streaming from not her apartment cuz at first when she said she would be evicted I was like wait isn't it the middle of the day??

  • clovy posted a message in the forum topic Giant Bomb GOTY 2019 Discussion Thread. on the General Discussion board

    Am I missing something or did I not see an article wrapping up the GOTY results like Jeff's "Here's What Won" from last year? I didn't get to the end of the week's worth of podcasts so if they said o...