Wild to me they didn't get Gerstmann for one of these but I guess that is the state of the site nowadays
I like how Human Teddy is just Drew
Definitely. More time on my hands and fewer responsibilities. When I was in high school the site was in its prime (2009 to 2013) so I was feeding off that too. This year I've been going back and liste...
commenting on this so I remember which episode it was that Jeff dropped "Ronnie James Zio"
@jddrewes said:Huh, wonder what happened to this videoIt maybe got flagged for the sexy Yukiko video? Thankfully I found it archived online, not sure there'd be another to watch it which is kinda scu...
I just listen to the old podcasts using my phone's browser, works just fine if that's an option for people.
@jjweatherman: better question: Is STO better than Dynowarz: Rise of Spondylus ?
16 God damn years agoI miss it :(
I've been on/off twitter a couple times but I'm done now. With Elon taking over the site has lost a lot of its best users and in general it's just a fucking mess over there with the spam, broken chec...
@ben_h: Interesting, I did not know all that. Thank you!
@jstaunton said:@thepickle: Jeff G will never be on GB content again.That's depressing. I don't know what deals were signed but kind of crazy GB can still charge people to watch the old premium video...
No Gerstmann? Shame..
I've been listening to Bombcasts c. 2009 this year basically going in order as the year progresses. I miss the old crew and site so much :( Just glad I was here when it was all new. A twitch stream t...
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