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  • istateside posted a message in the forum topic With Factorio's new release looming.... on the General Discussion board

    what is happening here

  • istateside posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 07/14/23.

    the new ant man was great!!!! i don't know why people were so down on it!!!!

  • istateside posted a message on the post Steam Next Fest.

    @darinisawesome: I believe it's a known problem with the video player that the devs are working on, but as a workaround, you can do the following:- click "Do not sell my personal information" in the f...

  • istateside posted a new image.
  • istateside posted a new image.
  • istateside posted a message in the forum topic Renewing my Subscription. on the General Discussion board

    Agreed. Always loved Giant Bomb, and while I respect why the staff generally doesn't discuss politics outright, I'm always glad to hear them speak up at times when lines need to be drawn. Abby's one ...

  • istateside posted a message in the forum topic Cancelling my sub. on the General Discussion board

    Why do people always think "ACAB" is supposed to be a persuasive argument? Nobody saying ACAB is doing so to bring anybody over to their side.Sometimes you do community outreach and try to bring peopl...