One of the snazzy new features on the redesigned site is the ability to set Header Images for wiki pages. To set one yourself, you'll need to have earned at least 1000 wiki points on the page your setting the Header Image for. If you don't have the required amount of wiki points, then use this thread to request a Header Image for a page. In your request make sure:
- The Header Image you want is in the page's image gallery.
- You link to the image.
Testing a Header Image
In the case that you are not a mod, staff member, or wiki prodigy with 1000+ points on a page, selecting a good header image can be difficult because you can't easily experiment directly on the page to test how an image looks. In order to get around this, we've put together a tool that will allow you to experiment without those restrictions.
To try it out just head over to the Header Image Tester.
Selecting a Good Header Image
The image should work for both desktop monitors and mobile device screens. The interesting portion of the image should be centered vertically, portions at the top and bottom of the image may be cut off.
On older games with lower resolution screenshots, it may be better to resize the image yourself to a higher resolution to prevent major blurring. On pixel based games, resizing images using a "Nearest Neighbor" resampling should keep edges sharp and prevent blurring.
The minimum recommended dimensions are 1280 x 533. Images smaller than this may be resized and cropped in undesirable ways.
A good example is the Far Cry 3 page (image used) as the focus of the Header Image is prominent whatever the screen size.
Some other general style rules, though these are less enforced:
- No title screens, or logos, or anything that displays the title of the game. Keep in mind that the background will appear behind the title of the game, as it appears at the top of the wiki page. Title screen art with the title digitally removed (some emulators allow you to remove layers) is acceptable.
- Do not use the same artwork that is on the box art used for the page's "default image". That's like some weird recursion nonsense.
- Make sure the image doesn't have any unusual filters on it, like the "retro" scanlines filter that is sometimes added as an option for modern Arcade/Genesis ports.
How to Add a Header Image
For those of you that do have 1000+ wiki points on a particular page, you can set the header image by going to the wiki page's image gallery, clicking the "Edit Tags" button at the top, clicking the image you would like to use as the header, and then clicking the "Make BG" button in the edit dialog. After that, the page should automatically refresh and display the new header.

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