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  • MissAshley posted a message on the post 137: The Chicken Rules.mp3.

    Jan, I'm glad you're okay.Also, as someone who almost passes out when getting blood drawn, your experience sounds horrifying.

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post 865: Essence of Jalapeno.

    What Dairy Queens are you weirdos eating at to so vehemently hate its hot eats? @danryckert, are you going to tell me The Dude, a chicken-fried steak sandwich, is a bad idea? Are you really saying "n...

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 10/25/24.

    You found some more stunted growth gamers? What, did you recruit a tour group at the Nintendo Museum?

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 10/23/24.

    "The word 'fuck' appears in this podcast."

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post 135 | Lights Out Mario Party.mp3.

    If Dan's gonna man a hot dog machine, he HAS TO wear one of those red and white pinstripe carny suits complete with hat.

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 10/10/24.

    Shucks, I waited to long to try and sign up for that test. Oh well. Until Grubb mentioned the download size and recommendations, my moonshot guess was that Nintendo had finally worked out transferring...

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post 861: The Goku Option.

    Okay, what's the deal with SPOILER

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post PAX East 2012.

    Such a different time. A freer, more hopeful time.

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 09/30/24.

    That Nintendo story really cheeses me off. My launch day Wii U is sitting bricked in my closet due to the company using a crappy chip in early consoles. If Nintendo wants to mess with someone for maki...

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post 859: Mickey Morality Meter.

    Thank you, Shawn, for thinking about the individual artists working on Pokémon.

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post Grubb Flies a Plane.

    Dude: And over here, we got some clouds. . .Grubb: O_O;;

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 09/19/24.

    Hard disagree on the Nintendo vs. Pocket Pair discussion, especially when we don't have any hard details on the content of the suit or Nintendo's intentions. All I keep reading on this news is people ...

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post Buck Bumble & The Bee Movie Game (NDS).

    Was there supposed to be a video before this? The intro makes it sound like this is another part of something.

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post Game Mess Mornings 08/19/24.

    Well, this was awkward.

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post Grubbkatana 05.

    Today I learned Popeye was an Urkel situation.

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post Anime Party Party.

    Wow, this sure is just straight-up Mario Party. I'm actually impressed that after decades of imitators with tweaks, some company was bold enough to ape its design whole-cloth.

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post 850: POTENT.

    These affronts will not stand, @danryckert!Kid Icarus is an excellent game! It challenges players to master a variety of level types, oozes style with its weird-ass bestiary, and features multiple end...

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post State of Play 05/30/24.

    Imagine getting your big break in the industry, but all of your world-building contributions mainly exist to fill a bio blurb in a hero shooter. :/

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Issue 67.

    1:10:14 - Woah, ProJared really hit the skids.

  • MissAshley posted a message on the post Grubbkatana 03.

    Since Mike brought up the game last time, I have a hankering to see Dan play through Mega Man X7. Between it's badness and dumb anime bullshit, it would be an instant classic. Even better: Bring in M...