I've been using the Giant Bomb API to supplement my own personal spreadsheet that I maintain tracking my game library, completions, wishlist, and to-play list. I mainly query search and release endpoints to try and match what's in my spreadsheet against Giant Bomb. I have a throttler/rate limiter that I've implemented. Initially I was using the 200 req per resource per hour limit that is stated on the API page, but I found a thread talking about the actual rate limit being 1 per second so I swapped to that: https://www.giantbomb.com/forums/api-developers-3017/api-rate-limiting-1786442/
This has been working well for sometime until just now when I was testing out some changes to my parser/matcher and almost immediately started getting a status code of 420 with this response:
{"error":"Rate limit exceeded. Slow down cowboy.","limit":0,"offset":0,"number_of_page_results":0,"number_of_total_results":0,"status_code":107,"results":[]}
However the API page seems to indicate my request rate is fine:

What is the actual rate limit I should set my script to?
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