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  • keymo42 posted a new image.
  • keymo42 posted a message on the post 04/19/2013.

    Nice, at 1:52:00 they called the Switch!

  • keymo42 posted a message on the post UNPROFESSIONAL CRIME.

    Danny Trejo being called "The Dragon" and literally wearing Kiryus suit and red shirt has to be on purpose, right? lol

  • keymo42 posted a message on the post 06-28-2011.

    Kind of sad hearing Ryan kind of defend the crunch stories at Rockstar with the usual "Really good games need this" excuse that we heard recently from a lot of people about Cyberpunk.But you know, 10...

  • keymo42 posted a message on the post 11-23-2010.

    Jeff's opinion on Donkey Kong 64 really changed a lot in these last 10 years...

  • keymo42 posted a message on the post Talkin' 'Bout BioShock Infinite.

    Jeff knew about Code Geass? He really was an anime expert all along.

  • keymo42 posted a message on the post 07-20-2010.

    @magikgimp: Sure sounds like it! That's awesome.

  • keymo42 posted a message on the post Mass Effect 03 - Part 21.

    Don't you not need to depressurize when you are going down in a pressurized container? I thought that's how it works at least.

  • keymo42 posted a message on the post 09-01-2009.

    Brad guessing 2010 as the release year for Episode 3 for Half-Life 2 is hilarious looking back now.

  • keymo42 posted a message on the post Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta.

    @xenopst: Sadly he never got to see it :( He really seemed to like Fallout 3.

  • keymo42 posted a message in the forum topic Please add "release" search. on the API Developers board

    @james_passion: Thanks for the workaround. I was having a weird problem with my project too and I guess this is the reason. Don't really wanna change anything since the previous way was a lot better.D...

  • keymo42 posted a message in the forum topic Please add "release" search. on the API Developers board

    Alright, I just looked into the resources list a bit more and I think we were just being idiots. At least my problem is solved now.You can filter the /releases endpoint by game and region, it just too...

  • keymo42 posted a message in the forum topic Please add "release" search. on the API Developers board

    I also would be interested in something like this or at least a workaround for my problem.For example:I would like to get the US release date for a game. Normally you can just use the release date da...

  • keymo42 posted a message in the forum topic UPF Giveaway - 7/3/2019 - Dying Light 2 Statue. on the General Discussion board

    Thanks of the giveaway Rorie!

  • keymo42 followed We Talk Over the E3 2019 Ubisoft Conference .