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    We Love Katamari

    Game » consists of 10 releases. Released Jul 07, 2005

    We Love Katamari delivers more of the same gameplay and humor that made Katamari Damacy unique.

    We Love Katamari Reroll is the 24th game of UUGPGC year 3! Finish by December 2! Spoilers open!

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    #1  Edited By bigsocrates

    Spoilers are now open!

    Welcome to the Unsanctioned Unofficial Game Pass Game Club Year 3! Our 24th game of 2024 is We Love Katamari Reroll. The target completion date is December 2, 2024.

    We ask that until that date you use the forum software to mark any spoilers, either story based or mechanical, in the discussion below. Ideally the bulk of the discussion will occur after December 2, but if you want to comment before then you are welcome to so long as the spoilers are marked. We ask that if you leave a comment before that date you also come back to the thread after it to read other people’s comments and respond to them, though of course we cannot force you to do so.

    All are welcome to participate regardless of whether you have stated a preference to or not and there is absolutely no commitment. You do not have to finish the game to participate but please let us know if you have not.

    You are also free to come back any time after the completion date and share your thoughts! This club is meant to be open to all whenever you want to join in the fun!

    You can find out more about the Unsanctioned Unofficial Game Pass Game Club or suggest future games for it here.

    What is We Love Katamari Reroll

    A remastering of We Love Katamari, a game about rolling things up in your Katamari and enjoying very catchy music.

    How long is We Love Katamari Reroll?

    How long to beat lists it as 5 hours long.

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    Spoilers open my spoily kidz. Spoil away!

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    While I love Katamari Damacy, (indeed a perfect game, yeah!) this one does not hit me the same way— it's still Katamari, sure, but does not feel as joyous and uplifting to me. Perhaps it's just diminishing returns, but I think it's also the fact that the levels feel a bit too strict in their challenges. Aesthetically it's still wonderfully bonkers and colorful, though. I would whole-heartedly recommend you play the first Katamari Damacy (REROLL) even if it's currently not in the Game Club. Forgive me for my trespass!!

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    @manburger: There's no such thing as trespassing in these threads. It's intentionally open to everyone.

    Except for the guy who just came here to drop a hard R n-word and nothing else. He is welcome to not return.

    But in comparison coming in and saying "I don't really like this game play the first one instead" is extreme positivity!

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