Go! Go! GOTY! 2024: Turnip Boy Robs a Bank
Game: Snoozy Kazoo's Turnip Boy Robs a BankRelease Month: JanuaryStarted: 08/12Completed: 09/12I played the first chapter in the sinister saga of Turnip Boy's misadventures across a post-apocalyptic E...
Go! Go! GOTY! 2024: Another Crab's Treasure
Game: Aggro Crab's Another Crab's TreasureRelease Month: AprilStarted: 03/12Completed: 08/12Developers are cottoning on to the fact that "Soulslike" isn't so much a genre but a style; more a condiment...
Indie Game of the Week 399: The Case of the Golden Idol
It's been a real strong season for golden idols, between The Rise of the Golden Idol from last month and Indiana Jones and the Great Circle later this month (not that the Raiders statuette is likely t...
Go! Go! GOTY! 2024: Botany Manor
Game: Balloon Studios' Botany ManorRelease Month: April.Started: 01/12.Completed: 02/12.A nice, breezy game to start us off this December. Botany Manor is a first-person adventure game all about horti...
Welcome to Go Go GOTY! 2024
In what looked like a damn fine year for RPGs, this is my Most Wanted at present. Here's hoping 2025 provides some good RPG sales and not too much in the way of apocalyptic BS to intrude on the time s...
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