That sketch of Jan is fantastic
@janman I've been considering a wrist computer in a similar vein. What I ended up with was a wearable computer. A sewn forearm case using a Raspberry Pi and TFT Touchscreen sewn into the cloth for a ...
Can't wait for Brad, Vinny, and Alex's new video game website Arrow Pointing Down.
This is the real Kingdom Heartache Q_Q
It would be cool to have like The Library of Bomb, a searchable site full of old press stuff scans and uploads.
Mary asked Riana a great question at 6:24 about the relation to events and memory that was wonderful, you can see Riana get exticed, it's fun. c:
What if St. Vincent is watching, but not joining in just for some laughs? :P
Ron Funches Presents: Warzone with Skrillex and Outkast. I'd watch it. :D
At 2:41 you can hear an audible Oof from Jan as Abby shows her farm. xD
@onemanarmyy: The viability of it wasn't really the point there.
@benpack The cows are in VR because that's a real thing. https://www.forbes.com/sites/simonchandler/2019/11/29/virtual-reality-used-to-relax-cows-into-producing-more-milk/#49bb0518356b
Alex looks like Scorpion decided to wrestle for Lucha Underground, and Brad looks like he's gonna rob a bank with Keanu Reeves. I love it.
This is just some feel good Mario I can get behind. c:
6/12 🤔
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