Hello Gundam fans! I come with a simple question, what is your favorite Mobile Suit from any of the Gundam series? Personally I've always been fond of the MS-06 Zaku II, and quite like the ones shown in Thunderbolt. (Pictured Below)

Tough question, I tend to like the the more "realistic" type of UC Federation mobile suits over the overly complicated/showy 90s/00s stuff like the Wing and SEED designs, personally I think I have to go with the MSV version of the GM Sniper Custom.
I'll also say my favorite variation on the classic original RX-78 is the GP01 Zephyranthesn
It's too hard to decide. I can give a top 5 in no particular order though:
I am very much a mark for the Wing Zero. Particularly the Endless Waltz variant with the cyber-feathers and more angelic appearance.
Similarly, the Serpents from Endless Waltz were pretty stylish and had a nice "powerful mook" look to them. They barely existed in any meaningful capacity but I liked their look.
I want to like most of the Zeta designs a lot more than I do but they all just feel so over-designed and same-y. And yes, I acknowledge that is a really weird perspective for someone who loves Endless Waltz.
That being said: if I am allowed to do a family then I also really like the Zaku and its iterations with special mention for the Gouf (not sure if that is properly considered a Zaku-like but... it is a Zaku-like). They just look menacing and I love the single eye.
Hard to beat the OG Zaku II, such an iconic design. I've always had a fondness for PMX-003 The O. Even though in-canon it was custom built for a specific Newtype pilot the way it's designed feels like it's not meant for someone who's particularly skilled as it has a number of sneaky, almost under-handed advantages. That being said I'm of the opinion that no weapon systems are as cheap and unfair as fin funnels. Also it skis on land which makes it feel like an evolved form of DOMs which I also like. Gundam-wise the lapsed edge lord in me still has some affection for the Deathscythe but even at the time I found it's lack of long-range options kind of disappointing.
@jesus_phish: I actually just finished up MSG Unicorn and saw that one, it is indeed pretty cool.
@hornet I like the Zudah quite a lot too, just looks rad.
Scopedog Votoms is my favorite gundam.
— Gundam & Mecha Out of Context (@GundamNoContext) March 14, 2020
GP-02 from 0083, aka metal gear in spaaaaaace! It certianly looks cooler than most bipedal mechs Yoji Shinkawa came up with. Instead of dick laser, it got two beam sabres. Another MGS link it has, its pilot's Japanese voice actor is Akio Ohtsuka, the voice of all Snakes except Liquid throughout the 3D stealth action series. Ironically, this character in 0083 can be described as "a Liquid Snake looking motherfucker".
This question is way too hard xD theres sooo many of em.
SOME of em in no particular order:
-z'gok (specifically the real grade modelkit version.)
-Guntank (ESPECIALY the origins version which was a prototype or something? but both are awesome, one in a genuinely cool way and the other in a doofy cool 80s robot way xD)
-GP0every one of them(so gp01-04 and the gerbera tetra)
-Anything from advance of zeta <3 (normaly dont enjoy overdesigned mechs but maaaan somehow these just all do it for me despite how insane they get)
-Both the full armor zaku and gundam from gundam thunderbolt (I guess I do like more overdesigned ms'es but im particular about it xD? )
-ReZEL Type-C
-geara doga
- Zaku II kai
-gouf custom
-moon gundam
-Turn A and Turn X (special mentions to the sound design of the Turn X in the anime, It really sounds like a frightening, violent and alien machine)
-more but I should stop :') these are just the first that came to mind. so yeah, no clear favorite in the slightest xD I do clearly prefer Uc stuff in general but Im not above liking some designs from the other series either (love the crossbone or f91 too for example) And who knows it might change, ive only gotten back into gundam 2 years back after having loved gundam wing 18 years ago but for some reason though i disliked all mecha anime besides it. :P Turns out I dont, Its just that I didnt like most of the stuff that was new/popular when I was younger haha.
I love how weird and different the Turn A seems.
Great show. Very glad that I watched with Great Gundam Project podcast. Love the more varied mecha design too.
Not the worst necropost with Gundam Evolution recent;y releasing on Steam.
Anyway. I'll be basic and go with either RX-78-2 or Wing.
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