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  • dwerkmd posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2024.11.30. on the General Discussion board

    Happy birthday!

  • dwerkmd posted a message on the post We Went to Cologne, Germany!.

    Jumping in for Dan right away. Panko is pronounced pahn-ko in Japanese where the word originates. Many people pronounce it pang-koe but Dan is correct to source.

  • dwerkmd posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2024.09.07. on the General Discussion board

    Never a bad time to waggle. The PAX panel was a lot of fun.

  • dwerkmd posted a message on the post Discord Town Hall 09/04/24.

    @apolii90: Wut?

  • dwerkmd posted a message in the forum topic What is Giant Bomb?. on the General Discussion board

    @flstyle said:PS. Don't forget Fandom thought it was a good idea to get rid of Jason and Jess. Thanks Fandom.I liked Jason and Jess but Jason had gotten to a point where he was barely on any content a...

  • dwerkmd posted a message in the forum topic For the average gamer, why is gamepass or epic game store bad?. on the General Discussion board

    Epic Game Store specifically (likely not worth it rant)I never played PUBG. I watched the crew here play it and had a fun time watching but I was mostly put off by the game itself. Saw Fortnite getti...

  • dwerkmd posted a message in the forum topic It's Been Six Years Since The Elder Scrolls VI Teaser Trailer. Is This Officially In Development Hell?. on the The Elder Scrolls VI board

    I haven't watched the announcement since it initially happened but I recall it looking like Todd was regretting announcing Elder Scrolls VI as the words came out of his mouth. Heavy caveat and more of...

  • dwerkmd posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2024.05.04. on the General Discussion board

    Read these every week even if I don't comment. Really appreciate it.

  • dwerkmd posted a message in the forum topic Best place to follow Giant Bomb content. on the General Discussion board

    I'm in the same boat of missing a lot. I actively avoid youtube and twitch so unless it's posted or linked here the chances are low of me seeing it.

  • dwerkmd posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2023.07.29. on the General Discussion board

    Grubb is a machine. Give the man another vacation.

  • dwerkmd posted a message on the post 798: Z-Targetting My Wife.

    Welcome Niki!The "filling Minotti's slot" comment is concerning though. We need Mitch too!

  • dwerkmd posted a message on the post Discord Town Hall 07/07/23.

    Lot's of good info here. Hoping the things that the team are excited about come to fruition.

  • dwerkmd posted a message in the forum topic Nintendo Direct June 2023 Discussion Thread. on the Nintendo Switch board

    It was a great Direct. I was surprised that they didn't do a talk over until I realized it was on YouTube only. I only checked on a whim because it was odd but is this going to be a thing going forwa...

  • dwerkmd posted a message in the forum topic Best Anime song to have as a ringtone?. on the Anime board

    Looping the first part of Kick Back from Chainsaw Man may be good. Tank from Cowboy Bebop could be clipped also. Lost in Paradise from Jujutsu Kaisen would be worth a look.Any genre you're drawn to?

  • dwerkmd posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2023.05.06. on the General Discussion board

    Loving the Robomitch art.

  • dwerkmd posted a message on the post UPF 05/05/23.

    @santar: But an okay game with a dull open world with good combat that's underutilized with a mismatched loot system makes it sound like... a poorly made game.

  • dwerkmd posted a message on the post UPF 05/05/23.

    It's a sponsored spot that they were up front about on a subject that they were interested in with fun conversation where everyone was genuinely laughing. No lies were told and it was a good time. Chi...

  • dwerkmd posted a message in the forum topic Has Fandom done anything beneficial for this site since the acquisition?. on the General Discussion board

    I've still been enjoying the output. Not sure about Fandom's role but the current duders are still a blast. Minotti as a +1 is a great addition.

  • dwerkmd posted a message in the forum topic Waypoint shutting down amid layoffs at Vice. on the General Discussion board

    If Patrick is looking for a job maybe he could just sliiiiiide right back in here.

  • dwerkmd posted a message on the post Discord Q&A from 03/24/2023.

    Good talk. As someone that only interfaces with the website it's discouraging to hear that it's the lowest trafficked space. I personally don't want to wade through YouTube or Twitch nonsense and was ...