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BeardDuder's 2024 GOTY list!

Welp another year had come and gone. Surprisingly I played quite a few games this year that are actually 2024 games! I'll get to the list below but figured that because I did a small IRL update last year I should do another one.

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Pups are doing great and living their best lives. The baby just turned 14 and is still kick butt at Horn. Boy is on track to graduate and is currently applying to two different collages. Lady beard is still just as lovely as always. I started a new job that let's be gone more and travel some. Even got to go visit Chicago this year and that was rad. Also got lucky and after 20+ years I finally got the opportunity to go see my favorite band UnderOATH as they did a tour stop pretty close to me.

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On the music side the band I was has.....stopped playing so I joined two other bands. One with the lady singer from the old band and we play both kinds of music, County and Western. Then other band is a pretty new Indy Rock band called Depth to Reverie! Been enjoying making music with those dudes and we are working on cutting a record at the moment. If you want to follow my adv entrues you can find all my links here.

Now onto the games, I've got my top 10 below but as usually my pile of shame is large and glaring. No PS5 so I never got to play Astro Bot nor FF7. Still never got around to Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate 3 and might never get to them......ha!

Anyhow on to the top 10.......

(might go back and wright up some thoughts on each one of these but ATM my brain is fried)

List items

  • To be honest, I was on the fence about this game before its release, but once they started talking about Dondoko Island, I was completely sold! I’ve always loved the quirky and offbeat side of the Yakuza series, and the idea of an Animal Crossing-style game within this larger universe was just too enticing for me. I ended up spending a ridiculous number of hours on Dondoko Island, and I managed to 100% it before moving on – and honestly, I enjoyed every single moment! That’s just a small part of the whole game, though.

    I really appreciated the other elements too! While I wasn’t a huge fan of the turn-based combat in the first Like a Dragon, the tweaks they made this time around really worked for me. I don’t want to ramble on too much, but I truly think this game is worth a look for the variety it offers. I mean, outside of first-person shooters, Infinite Wealth really has something for everyone! So, if you’re looking for a fun way to spend your next long weekend, why not boot it up, set it to easy, and enjoy everything that Infinite Wealth has in store?

  • I had such a blast with this game! Honestly, I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I dove in. I usually steer clear of trailers, but I kept hearing amazing things on podcasts about it being a bullet hell game with a Zelda vibe. So, I decided to take the plunge and wow, it exceeded my expectations! The movement, the puzzles, the shooting, and the upgrades were all just fantastic. I even managed to 100% it, which was so satisfying! It’s still loaded up on my Steam Deck, and I’m definitely planning to jump back in for another play through during my recovery time in a few weeks. Can't wait!

  • I just wrapped up the campaign a day or two ago, and I’m still a bit blown away by it. Seriously, I don’t know what magic the team put into making BO6, but it’s incredible! I can't even remember the last time I enjoyed a Call of Duty campaign this much—it must have been back on the 360, which feels like ages ago. They totally aced it with the diverse gameplay; it’s fresh, engaging, and definitely not stale. I really recommend diving in without any spoilers and just experiencing it for yourself! And let’s not even get started on the multiplayer—it's probably the best and most fun COD we’ve seen in a long time. Plus, you can even play as a goofy shark man, which just makes it a total blast! 😂

  • Braid was one of those games that I just somehow missed. I kept hearing stories and people raving about it, but I never took the plunge. However, when the remaster came out, I finally had no excuses! Honestly, I can't say much that hasn't already been said over the years, but now I really get what all the buzz is about.