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  • MightyDuck created a list 2025.
  • MightyDuck created a list top 10 of 2024.
  • MightyDuck posted a message in the forum topic Was your gaming life happier when you were younger?. on the General Discussion board

    Those "Whoa! This is awesome moments!" feel few and far between now in my late 30s.I think back to playing NBA Jam, NHL 94, and RBI Baseball on my Genesis and being blown away. The jump to PS1 was inc...

  • MightyDuck posted a message in the forum topic Four years after release the PS5 stands alone atop the high power console market, and feels like just another device.. on the PlayStation 5 board

    I completely agree with everything you said @bigsocrates! I grew up with a NES, Genesis, and then made the leap to Sony with the PS1 and have had all their "base" consoles ever since, but I just don'...

  • MightyDuck posted a new image.
  • MightyDuck posted a new image.
  • MightyDuck posted a new image.
  • MightyDuck posted a new image.
  • MightyDuck posted a message on the post Top 25 Astro Bot Snubs.

    I haven't finished Astro Bot yet, but that's disappointing that Sweet Tooth, Gabe Logan, and Blasto weren't in. Loved those games as a kid, despite Blasto not being good.Hmmm...does that mean someone...

  • MightyDuck posted a new image.
  • MightyDuck posted a new image.
  • MightyDuck posted a new image.
  • MightyDuck posted a new image.
  • MightyDuck posted a new image.
  • MightyDuck posted a new image.
  • MightyDuck posted a message in the forum topic Ryan Davis, 1979 - 2013. on the Ryan Davis board

    I don't make it around here as often as I did "back in the day" (kids will do that!), but I can't believe it's been 10 years. RIP Ryan!

  • MightyDuck posted a message in the forum topic Let's send Rorie off in styyyyyle. on the Off-Topic board

    Just saw this! While I don't frequent GB as much as I used too - Rorie is an absolute treasure. Best of luck good man!