As always, thanks again for sharing my dumb stuff and everyone else's smart stuff.Don't know if you caught this trailer I made this past week. If you want to share it, that'd be cool. If not, that's f...
Thanks again for gathering things around the GB community and putting it on here every week, Zom-Zom!
@manburger: Really? Insulting me again this week? This is getting ridiculous.
@manburger: Sorry. I thought it was obvious that I was joking. If you had actually insulted me, I wouldn't have even bothered to respond.The person I'm actually feuding with is @chamurai . Hope this c...
@manburger: I didn't take that as a compliment at all, so now I have a major problem with you.Also, thanks, Zob-omb, for sharing all things community.
I will not apologize. Maybe it's you who has to apologize for spreading the picture more!
Get well soon, Giant Zomb dot com. Hope you got lots of rest this past weekend and got caught up with all things Giant Bomb. There will be a test this coming Friday.
Here are two dumb things I made this week if you want to put it in the next spotlight:https://twitter.com/KoneBomb/status/1746976465206256049https://twitter.com/KoneBomb/status/1747734440011321838Than...
Kone's Top 10 Liked Tweets of 2023 (#1 will shock you!)
I wouldn't steal a car, but I would download a copyrighted picture of one and Photoshop it.Ah, another year of making dumb Giant Bomb-related content, and some non-Giant Bomb-related content too (reme...
Thanks for featuring my shenanigans, 🧟🥧!
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