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  • DanRyback wrote a review of Shaq Fu.
    Why? The name alone is kind of a non-starter.

    I had played this years ago, in light of the Angry Video Game Nerd playing it, and I remember it being really bad. To make sure that I wasn't misremembering, I replayed it recently. Shaq Fu is even wo...

  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback wrote a review of Mortal Kombat Advance.
    One of the worst versions of UMK3 you can possibly play.

    Let's get some positives out of the way: Graphically, this tries to do what it can regarding the screen crunch. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 was originally on the big arcade screens, so naturally, everyth...

  • DanRyback wrote a review of Street Fighter II': Special Champion Edition.
    A proper port of Street Fighter II, which is essentially the bible of many 2D fighting games.

    This game is legendary, and for good reasons that go well beyond just being at the right place, at the right time. Compared to SF2, almost no one talks about the prequel, and for good reason: the cont...

  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback posted a new image.
  • DanRyback wrote a review of Heavy Nova.
    If this isn't the worst official Sega Genesis game, I'd hate to see what's worse than Heavy Nova.

    On paper, this game has a neat premise. I'll skip some details of the lore to this: You are a robot that initially goes through some training. You go through some obstacles and wreck some small annoya...

  • DanRyback posted a new image.