@ben_h: I 100% think there's an argument to be made that "Get Low", the original "Get Low", not the fucking Zuck and his fucking harlequin baby (don't look it up if you don't know what that is) face version of "Get Low", is the best party song of the 21st century so far. Or at least it's a very strong contender.
Everything about it is perfect. The beat, the "brrrr dum dum dum/de da de da de dum" intro to the chorus, the chorus... my god that chorus. And if you're at a party or prom or a cool wedding if it comes on, you're doing the little point dance even if you're not on the dance floor. (Fun story: My senior prom year was 2010. It was the end of proper prom, and the DJ puts on "Get Low". Everyone went nuts. And then the DJ actually closed with "Party in the USA" and everyone was pissed. I hope that DJ has changed.)
And of course, the misogyny is bad. I won't defend it. But at least what you see (or hear) is what you get in this case. It's all on the surface and there's nothing insidious about it, unlike, say, "Hotline Bling" where it takes a lot of people a few listens to think, "Hey, wait a minute, is he calling his ex a whore because she's dating someone else now?"
It's so good that even the existence of this abomination does nothing to tarnish the legacy or the standing of "Get Low." It genuinely warmed my heart seeing so many reactions that are essentially "HOW DARE YOU FUCKING DO THIS TO THIS SONG!"
Zuckerberg will be remembered as a villain. Lil Jon will be remembered as a hero.
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