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    Quiz Kit

    Game » consists of 0 releases.

    Quiz Kit was a Twitch game which allows broadcasters to make and manage their own live gameshows with their audience as the participants. This Game extension is no longer on Twitch or anywhere as of 11/25/24

    Short summary describing this game.

    Quiz Kit last edited by sazzaprice on 08/10/20 01:23AM View full history

    Quiz Kit is a game that allows Twitch personalities to interact with their audiences in new and interesting ways in real-time. The extension works both on desktop and on the Twitch mobile applications for iOS and Android.

    Quiz content is provided by Quiz Kit weekly on popular topics, and ready-made quiz topics include:

    • Marvel
    • World of Warcraft
    • Gears of War
    • FIFA
    • Breaking Bad
    • South Park
    • Fortnite
    • Rick and Morty
    • Star Wars
    • Hamilton
    • Music
    • Sports

    But, broadcasters can also create and customise the games to suit their own interests and channels.


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