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    ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron

    Game » consists of 9 releases. Released December 1993

    This side-scrolling sequel takes place on planet Funkotron where it is your job to trap Earthlings that have infested the planet and send them back to Earth.

    Short summary describing this game.

    ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron last edited by Marino on 11/26/24 05:20PM View full history


    ToeJam & Earl in: Panic on Funkotron is the sequel to the hit Sega game ToeJam & Earl. At the end of the original, ToeJam and Earl successfully found all the parts to their spaceship, and make it back to the planet Funkotron, however unknown to them a group of Earthlings have hitched a ride on the spaceship and now it's up to ToeJam and Earl to capture them all and send them back to Earth.

    The gameplay in this game involves trapping Earthlings in jars. To do this players must throw jars (the main weapon) at humans, different humans take different amount of hits. Once a human is successfully in a jar they can then be collected. To exit a level the player must have jarred all the humans on a level and deliver them to launch pad located at the end of the level.

    This sequel makes several key changes to the original and because of this is often looked upon as the weak point in the series. The first and most obvious change is that the view has switched from an isometric perspective (in the first game) to a side-scrolling one. Another equally daunting change was that, unlike in the first game, the levels were no longer randomized or randomly generated, all the levels were specifically designed by level designers and appear in the same order every time. It should be noted that in ToeJam & Earl 3: Mission to Earth ditched most of these changes.

    Two Player mode

    Like the original this game has a two player cooperative mode. However there is no split screen, rather both player occupy the main screen and must leave the screen together.


    • Insane Fairy - He flies around and drops pouches of laughing dust on the duo. If they get hit by the dust, the character will start laughing uncontrollably making them vulnerable to nearby hazards or Earthlings. They will sometimes yell "WHOOOOOO!" as they do a loop-de-loop.
    • Construction Worker - The construction worker moves around the level on a jackhammer. If the player is too close, the vibrations from the jackhammer will cause damage.
    • Rich Fat Lady - The rich fat lady herself is harmless. However, she usually has 2 or 3 pink attack poodles nearby and will call on them if disturbed.
    • Pink Attack Poodle - Pink poodles that will bite the hell out of anything in their path. They aren't so bad if a Rich Fat Lady is around, however if she's captured first, they will frenzy.
    • Tourists - There are male and female tourists and they both do the same thing... take pictures with flashing cameras that will deal damage and stun ToeJam or Earl momentarily. To avoid damage, pressing down on the D-pad will make ToeJam and Earl cover their eyes before the picture is taken.
    • Earthling Boy - A young, black kid in a baseball cap. He'll shout, "Hey catch!" and throw tomatoes. Not too difficult.
    • Earthling Girl - A snickering white girl. If she gets close, she'll deliver a kick to the shins.
    • Boogieman - The only enemy to make a return appearance from the first game. The Boogieman functions in the same way as he did in the first game, sneaking around invisibly while getting close enough to slash while yelling "BOOGIE BOOGIE BOOGIE!" If one is in the area, Funk Scan can be used to pinpoint his location and the player can subsequently bombard that area with jars.
    • Cow Ghost - A flying ghost of a cow. Hard to hit, flies pretty high. Cannot actually cause damage directly, but is known to possess ToeJam or Earl, leaving them standing still and mooing, totally helpless to the attacks of other enemies until the cow ghost leaves.
    • Naked Man In A Box - Exactly what it says on the label. Sometimes he'll sing an opera song, he's only vulnerable when he pops out of the box to sing or throw tomatoes.
    • Dive-bombing Duck - A duck in WWI-era fighter pilot garb, riding on a flying carpet. He will divebomb if approached.
    • Balloon Boy - A floating kid with balloons tied to his butt. Attacks using spitwads at a distance.


    • Snood - Snood is a friend of ToeJam and Earl. He also has like 15 eyes.
    • Sharla - Sharla is a blue alien friend of ToeJam and Earl. If encountered she'll want to hear some sweet rapping.
    • Bloona - Bloona is a big fat one-eyed orange alien who will provide tips. She also has a crush on Earl.
    • Lewanda - Lewanda is a purple alien chick in a yellow sweater with one eye who will provide hints too. Both ToeJam and Earl have crushes on her.

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