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    Lollipop Chainsaw RePop

    Game » consists of 8 releases. Released Sep 12, 2024

    A remaster of the 2012 original game.

    Short summary describing this game.

    Lollipop Chainsaw RePop last edited by reverendhunt on 11/13/24 06:43AM View full history


    Announced by Dragami Games head and producer of the original game Yoshimi Yasuda on Twitter, Yasuda stated the reason for the remake was to allow players to experience the game on current systems.

    Yasuda also highlighted the fact that due to licencing, some of the 15 original songs will to be in the remake.

    Remake to Remaster

    On October 13th 2023 Yoshimi Yasuda announced on Twitter that "We have changed the game design of RePOP from Remake to Remaster based on your requests!"


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