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    Crosscountry USA

    Game » consists of 1 releases. Released 1985

    Crosscountry USA is a game is a game created by Didatech Software Ltd. It is designed for kids aged 4-9, to teach them about the geography of USA.

    Short summary describing this game.

    Crosscountry USA last edited by reverendhunt on 11/07/24 06:00AM View full history

    Home Edition of this educational U.S. geography simulation provides 19 scenarios which may be selected by the player. During each scenario the player drive an 18-wheel truck around the United States of America picking up and delivering a variety of commodities. Commands such as turn on the motor, fasten the belt, examine the map, set a direction, rest, eat, repair, get the hitchhiker, go to a gas station, etc., are performed with clicks on appropriate item or icon on the screen. However, commodity type or answers on occasional questions should be typed in. As players travel between the cities, they learn valuable skills such as problem solving, map reading, and decision making. They'll learn time management, decide when to eat and sleep, and watch road conditions based on the weather, season, and climate. Once all necessary commodities are collected and destination is reached, the scenario is treated as successfully completed.


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