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    The Amazon Trail

    Game » consists of 0 releases. Released 1993

    A spin-off of the educational game The Oregon Trail, tasking players with traveling through time down the Amazon River to save the ancient Incas from a malaria outbreak while learning about the flora and fauna of the South American rainforest.

    Short summary describing this game.

    The Amazon Trail last edited by EonFrost on 10/25/24 11:00AM View full history


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    The Amazon Trail is an educational historical adventure game developed and published by MECC for DOS PCs in 1993, for Windows PCs in 1994, and for Macintosh computers in 1995.

    A spin-off of The Oregon Trail series, The Amazon Trail tasks players with making their way down the Amazon River in South America. Under the guidance of a mysterious talking jaguar, the player and their partner will travel further into the past throughout their journey, and must travel to the Lost City of the Incas in the 16th century to save the Inca people from malaria (by bringing them cinchona plants).

    Similar to the Oregon Trail, players must attempt to survive the journey by carefully maintaining both their supplies and their health. Much of the game involves steering the party's canoe (which can become capsized), although players can hunt for fish (by throwing harpoons at silhouettes from above, then identifying to see if the caught fish is edible), take pictures of various wildlife throughout the rainforest (for bonus score), and trade supplies with people at various landmarks.

    The game later received a sequel in 1996, titled Amazon Trail II.


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