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    Fight 'N' Jokes

    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released 1997

    Rare Italian fight game. It's similar to Clay Fighter in which it parodies other fighting games.

    Short summary describing this game.

    Fight 'N' Jokes last edited by PlamzDooM on 06/06/24 04:04PM View full history


    Fight 'N' Jokes is a comedy MS-DOS fighting game released in 1997 by Nasty Brothers Software. The development company Mental Drink had intention of re-releasing the game on iPhone and Nintendo DS under the name "ToonFighterZ", but the project was officially put "on hold", according to their website.

    Beginning in December of 2021 and throughout 2022, the game would finally see new ports starting with the Xbox One and then the Nintendo Switch, followed by PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Steam PC/Mac.


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