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    Game » consists of 0 releases. Released September 1998

    A 3D arcade beat 'em up from Sega, and the first game in the SpikeOut series.

    Short summary describing this game.

    SpikeOut last edited by WaterKirby__64 on 09/13/24 12:08PM View full history

    Spikeout is notable for being the first arcade beat-'em-up whose cabinets could be linked, resulting in a maximum of four players competing on the same level with different screens. Spikeout is a fully-3D beat 'em up which takes place in huge and sprawling stages, split into Areas, and further divided into little segments. Players control one of four different characters: Spike, Linda, Tenshin, or White.

    Spikeout was never ported to home console, but in the 2024 game Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, a single-player version is available to play for in-game currency at an arcade.


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