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    Mansion of Hidden Souls

    Game » consists of 3 releases. Released Dec 10, 1993

    Explore a mysterious ghost-filled mansion in search for your sister in this first-person adventure game for the Sega CD.

    Short summary describing this game.

    Mansion of Hidden Souls last edited by reverendhunt on 09/29/24 11:05PM View full history


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    Mansion of Hidden Souls, not to be confused with the game's sequel, known in Japan as Yumemi Yakata no Monogatari ("Tale of the Dream Mansion") and in Europe as Yumemi Mystery Mansion, is a horror-themed first-person adventure game developed by System Sacom and published by Sega (Japan and Europe) and Vic Tokai (North America) for the Sega CD on December 10, 1993 in Japan and February 1994 overseas.

    Making use of 3D CGI full-motion video, Mansion of Hidden Souls has players exploring the titular mansion in a way similar to Myst, The 7th Guest, or D, solving simplistic puzzles along the way (which usually involves searching for key items).

    The story involves a young boy who enters the mysterious mansion in search of his sister, who was led inside after chasing a butterfly. While exploring the mansion, he encounters several ghosts who appear in the form of butterflies.

    The game later received a sequel for the Sega Saturn, where it is also known as The Mansion of Hidden Souls.


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