I play a lot of video games. Many more than most people, probably more than is strictly healthy. I (mostly) avoid it getting in the way of other things in my life and what I want to do, but it's my primary hobby and I make an effort to find time to do it. I've even been playing the Final Fantasy 1 Pixel Remaster on my treadmill so I don't have to stop gaming to get exercise. Touch grass? Me? NEVER*!
I also have a huge appetite for games. I buy too many, have a backlog, and am constantly looking over the horizon both towards what's next to be released and what I want to play next. I've had to make a real effort to slow down and actually finish games, and am trying to buy less, but when it comes to games my eyes are definitely bigger than my hard drive. Or my schedule.
I'm also getting older, and more reflective, as people do, and I've been looking back at my year in games thanks to the Xbox year in review feature (I assume others are forthcoming as well.) I played a lot of games this year but I didn't play THAT many. I only really played one racing game, and that was The Crew. Looking back at prior years that's generally been true too. There are years where I play a couple racing games and years where I don't seriously play any, but I tend to play about one a year seriously, dabbling in a few more (I booted up Gran Turismo 7 and Motor Toon Grand Prix at various points in the year, but not for long.)
And that's true for most genres. I only played the entirety of one FPS (Killing Time) with a few more dabbled in, didn't really play any sports games, etc... There were genres where I played more (it was a pretty RPG heavy year for me) and games I spent a lot of time with, but although I played a lot of games when I look through the list it seems pretty meager for an entire year.
Assuming that I have about 40 years left (fewer than that actuarily) and that my eyesight, brain, and dexterity hold up well enough that I can continue playing games during that period, that means I have a few dozen games left to play in each of these genres. That seems so few. Mathematically my backlog, from Humblebundles, steep sales, and more, is definitely bigger than I'll get to in my lifetime. If I stopped buying new games now I don't think I could play everything on my "want to play" list even if I never took breaks from gaming, which isn't healthy to begin with.
This is not an existential crisis, I have other, more important, things to cause those. It's more a sad realization. It's the same concept as that old Twilight Zone episode about the reader with the broken glasses, except my glasses aren't broken. Yet. And also I can still order pizza if I want to. So at least I have that going for me.
This is not the first time I've had this realization, but it's become more salient as time has gone on. Every time I sink time into a game I don't really enjoy just because I was curious or for the lulz of playing a bad game I realize I'm draining sand from my life's hourglass in something that may not be worth it. Every time I play something because it was cheap or just for the zeitgeist there's something else that I really want to play that I won't ever get to. I don't always regret these discursions; I'm kind of glad I played Balan Wonderworld even though it's not a very good game, but I'm realizing that a little goes a long way. When Gollum and Rise of Kong released last year I thought I'd play through them at some point. Now I'm thinking maybe not. Watching the Blight Clubs, something I can do while doing other things, is probably enough. Better to spend that game time somewhere more satisfying.
Likewise I'm starting to question my Vinnyitus. I've always been someone who wanted the context of earlier games before playing new ones, but that's slipping away too because often times the earlier games can be a slog. I want to spend times on games that are meaningful to me in some way. Games I care about and will remember. Games that will stick with me and not slough off into nothingness like so many of the mediocre titles I've played have.
I don't really know why I'm sharing this but it has been on my mind recently. We all change as we age and this has been something that's been happening for awhile. I used to be someone who would gleefully play trash or obscurities just so I'd know what they were really like, but while I can't say I never will again I can say I plan to curtail that. Life is short and precious and we all have limits that are hard to see when you're younger, and then as you age they appear all of a sudden and the end seems so close even when it's still, potentially, decades away. One day we will all put down the controller for the last time. I just hope for everyone reading this it's a very long time from now. And you aren't playing Gollum when it happens.
*This summer I spent a couple weeks this year in a house by a lake in the mountains and barely played games there, spending a lot of time walking in the woods and kayaking on the lake. I don't want people to think I actually have this much of a problem. I guess I touched more trees and lakeweed than grass, technically, but that counts.
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