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    Dohna Dohna: Let's Do Bad Things Together!

    Game » consists of 0 releases. Released Nov 27, 2020

    Dohna Dohna is a JRPG game developed by AliceSoft featuring mature content and visual novel elements.

    Short summary describing this game.

    Dohna Dohna: Let's Do Bad Things Together! last edited by Shokata on 12/02/24 09:52AM View full history


    In a bustling city of Asougi City on a Seto Inland Sea, was conquered by an Asougi Heavy Industrialist, Hisamitsu Yamamoto who controls citizens lives for peace with an iron fist. Meanwhile, the Asougi City was been ravaged by the rebel gang alliances, the Anti-Aso clans who kidnapped citizens, cause gang activities and persuade them to fight each other for their reasons. The Asougi celebrates Hisamatsu’s birthday to keep the citizens peaceful, while the Anti-Aso are force to bring down Hisamatsu for good.


    Dohna Dohna: Let’s do Bad things Together is a Japanese ecchi RPG game (in a similar vein to Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 5 and Rance series) let’s players assume the role of Kuma, a second in command for the Nayuta gang where players must compete against other clans, control their businesses, discover Asougi themed dungeons, execute operations, upgrade weapons and build relationships with other characters, in order to bring down Asougi Industries for good.


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