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    Graveyard Dude

    Game » consists of 2 releases. Released Aug 01, 2022

    Play as Henry, a graveyard guarding knight, and manipulate the now-empty coffins from an undead uprising back into their proper spots.

    Short summary describing this game.

    Graveyard Dude last edited by reverendhunt on 10/31/24 03:00PM View full history


    Graveyard Dude was initially released as a ROM on in 2022. It was developed as a homebrew/aftermarket game by Rani Baker under her Timekey label.

    The game stars Henry, a knight tasked with putting the contents of a graveyard back together after the dead came back to life. Players must collect skulls and keys while placing the coffins back into place and avoiding ghosts. Henry has access to magical charms to ward off the ghosts and can the player can rewind time to correct mistakes.

    A cartridge version was announced in 2023 by Mega Cat Studios. Before it could be released, Baker passed away. It was finally released in 2024, with all proceeds of sales going to Baker's family.


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