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    Zero One SP

    Game » consists of 1 releases. Released Apr 29, 2004

    A remake of Zero One developed and published by Fuuki in Japan in 2004.

    Short summary describing this game.

    Zero One SP last edited by Aruru-san on 05/05/24 04:44PM View full history


    Zero One SP is a remake of Zero One published by Fuuki for the Game Boy Advance on April 29, 2004.

    Remake Differences

    Zero One SP contains several differences compared to its original incarnation. First and foremost, the game's presentation was almost entirely redone. While background graphics are largely the same, all of the character portraits have been completely redrawn with the main cast now featuring designs by manga artist Takehiko Ito, creator of Outlaw Star and Lord of Lords Ryu Knight. The exploration segments from the original Zero One have also been recreated in an over-head perspective, some of the mini-games have new graphics, and the UI has been restyled.

    In terms of story, the structure of Zero One SP is very different compared to the original. Previously, the narrative progressed linearly in the form of 10 episodes that covered three story arcs, with the player's choice sometimes changing the events within these episodes. However, SP is no longer broken up into episodes and the player instead enters the three story arcs from the original title based on decisions they make in the opening segment of the game. These story routes include Cyborg, Noah, and Gamer. While some of these story arcs are pretty much the same as the original Zero One, new scenes have been added throughout the game and there is even an additional fourth story arc called "Creator" that serves as the game's conclusion.

    Along with all these additions, SP also contains more mini-games, a few new characters such as a love interest named Tomo Oda, and 175 endings compared to the original's 105.

    Screenshot Comparisons

    Zero One (2003)Zero One SP (2004)
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