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    Automatic Flashlight Applying

    Concept »

    When the game character, entering dark locations, independently activates his light sources: lamp, flashlight, candle, flare, magic fire, etc. without the player's action

    Short summary describing this concept.

    Automatic Flashlight Applying last edited by solidejake on 11/23/24 08:32AM View full history

    Some games take on the function of lighting up the darkness themselves, which seems convenient and atmospheric. But since it is activated when the avatar's feet cross a strictly defined point on the location, such “help” can conflict with the feelings of the player, when he wants to take a closer look at some corner, but going beyond the zone set by the developer, the torch is treacherously extinguished by AI.

    Sometimes the hero always walks with a flashlight in his hand, which is part of his lore image and we can't do anything about it.


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