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    Castle Wolfenstein

    Game » consists of 0 releases. Released 1982

    Find the Nazi war plans and escape Castle Wolfenstein alive.

    Short summary describing this game.

    Castle Wolfenstein last edited by reverendhunt on 09/27/24 05:09AM View full history


    In this procedurally generated action-adventure game, which loosely inspired id Software's Wolfenstein 3-D, players begin as a prisoner who has secured a pistol and are charged with stealing plans important for the allied forces and escaping the castle in which the player is held.


    Players begin with only a few bullets, and must kill or hold up guards to steal their equipment, as well as unlock chests which sometimes take several minutes to unlock, all the while evading patrols and trying not to get shot.

    Players can collect bullet-proof vests, which are helpful during fire fights; a uniform that will help the protagonist to blend in with the sentries long enough to allow escape; keys which, as they are collected , increase the chance of being able to open chests and doors; grenades, which are very powerful, sometimes disintegrating Nazi targets (or possibly the player themselves); also, sauerkraut and bratwurst can be found.

    This game's design discourages berserker-like attacks. With limited ammunition and the ability for guards to move between rooms, the player must be sensible about whom they attack and whom must be avoided, for the sake of survival. Only through smart decisions and luck can the player make it out alive.


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