I hit 10,000 forum posts here on Giant Bomb today, a fun number to stop and say, hey, thanks again to one of the best communities on the Internet. I hope forums regain their popularity. I dislike the impermanence of things like Discord and Slack, but I understand the functionality is better on those apps than it is a website whose forum tools have been broken so long now it's become the most depressing joke of the site.
No, but seriously, just wait for Sea Serpent. If you get that joke, hey, raise an imaginary beer, fellow old-timer.
I came here like so many did as a fan of the crew's Gamespot days. I was introduced first to the faces that would become classic Giant Bomb through @alex's Burning Questions letters and answers thing on Gamespot. His writing single-handedly hooked me on that site. And of course, Jeff Gerstmann's integrity led to me jumping ship here. I think I joined a few weeks into the site going live, not quite at the very beginning, but close enough. It would be years before I could listen to the podcast or watch live content, because back then, my Internet was still basically dial-up slow.
And when I think about me sixteen years ago, I'm surprised I'm the same person. I was a damn county politician, an elected Clerk and Recorder and the county's election official. I rented a little house with a basement with a clay foundation that endlessly flooded in the spring and fall. I had a girlfriend a thousand miles away, and I planned to move to Seattle someday.
Man, life changes. Today, I'm a writer, with about twenty or so novels out (cheap plug - you can find my best work under my real name, Cameron Lowe, so check me out on Amazon if you like supernatural thrillers, horror, or lit. romances). I don't game nearly as much as I used to - my legal blindness has progressed to a point where I have to play things on a Steam Deck or a Switch to be able to see them - but I still love games in a wide variety of genres. JRPGs will always be my baby of choice, even if I cuss them out for staying largely stagnant story-wise for the last twenty-five years. Adventure games are kind of hit and miss for me nowadays. I think there are a lot of really creative people out there making some incredible things, but I also think maybe those things aren't always as much "for me" as they used to be. And that's okay. Time rolls on. We change. We leave things behind.
I used to be a mod here, once upon a time. I was the dumbass Farva of the group, too enthusiastic about swinging my mod dick around, adn I'm sorry about that. But I had fun too getting to know @rorie (who is somehow an even nicer duder behind the scenes than he is on camera or on the forums) as well as the other mods like @zombiepie, @mike, @mento, and the others. I miss those days, but I sure as hell bet the mod team doesn't miss me getting tired and cranky during E3. Hah.
I had this thing planned out where I'd go back through and share some of my earliest posts but in true Giant Bomb fashion, if I click on my oldest post page (850ish), it gives me an error message. Since I'm not manually digging through all the posts, I'll instead refer to one of my oldest blogs, in which I had just bought a Wii and was playing Mario Kart Wii, Mario Galaxy, and Super Mario RPG. Fun times. I still think of Mario Kart Galaxy and Kart Wii as being fantastic entries in their series (with MKW being my favorite of all the Karts out there).
In sixteen years I've made more friends on this site than I'll ever remember, and that makes me sad. I wish I was better about keeping up with you all. I wish I was a more normal human being who was better at things like social interaction and not being overbearing or a fucking weirdo. But you are all amazing people, colorful and wonderful. Dankempster has been a damn good friend and a source of a lot of my favorite rock. As much shit as I give him, Zeep is one of the genuinely best dudes you're going to ever have the pleasure of talking to. @arbitrarywater is a fucking joy, and watching him and Zeep interact on Twitch is something I need to get back to because it's always entertaining. @mento is one of the sharpest people on the Internet and you should be reading hhis blogs. @slag is also a genuinely really cool person and always chill to talk to, although I do it far too sporadically now. Talor and Brandy, if you somehow stumble upon this, I apologize for forgetting your usernames, but you were/are great real-life friends. Claude, this site needs you, you goofy bastard. @mike gets a "I'm not worthy" award for introducing me to garlic chili sauce and for always bonking me on the nose when I needed it. Rorie was a voice of reason and fun behind the scenes, and I hate that he's not part of the crew anymore.
So much has changed with the site and I'm not going to drag this post down with my thoughts on that. I keep meaning to resubscribe to Nextlander's thing. I keep meaning to keep up with Jeff Gerstmann. I keep meaning to check out more content here live. But I don't. I'm not quitting this site or any of those old personalities (in fact, I'm thinking about rejoining Twitter just so I can keep up with them, even if I despise the nitwit in charge). But I do feel like my time here is more like an occasional peek through the window, and that's okay.
So, raise a durger, a toilet pie, an Oreo dipped in nacho cheese. Or just raise a beer, if those references were before your time. Love you, Giant Bomb.
Goddamn, I hope someday the forums get fixed.
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