I finished Astro Bot. I really liked it but I think minute for minute Astro's Playroom is better.

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Edited By bigsocrates

These aren't going to be my full thoughts, I'm mostly posting this because I don't see a thread on Astro Bot, which is surprising given the amount of praise the game is garnering and how squarely it hits the Giant Bomb demographic.

I'm a huge fan of 3D platformers and Astro Bot was one of my most anticipated games of the year. I think Astro's Playroom is a true masterpiece, a rare game that makes almost no missteps, and I was hoping Astro Bot would be a similarly magical experience. It wasn't, at least for me. I really enjoyed the game and I'd rate it something like an 8.5 or maybe a 9 out of 10, so I don't regret buying it on launch or semi binging it, but for me it was just a well-made 3D platformer, not something amazing. Given how high the metacritic is and how much praise I've seen for it I'm a little bit alone in this and I wanted to tease out why I had that slightly muted reaction.

Part of it is that I made the mistake of playing Astro Bot Rescue Mission in the days leading up to Astro Bot's release (I was hyped), and while I enjoyed that game (and want to write about it too) it was probably too much Astro Bot. He's a simple character with a simple move set, and a lot of the ideas in Astro Bot come out of that VR game so they didn't feel as fresh as they would have if I hadn't played it, or had played it 6 years ago.

Part of it just that Astro Bot is a much longer game than Playroom, and so it can't be quite as tight. Playroom has almost no filler, while Astro Bot definitely has levels that drag a little bit, and even some levels that I'd argue are kind of just there to fill out the game. The same can be said for the bots that you rescue. A lot was made about the cameos in the game, and there are a ton of them, but there are also a lot of generic bots that just feel unexciting compared to the fun of finding a favorite character or an obscure reference you haven't thought of in decades.

They also massively de-emphasized the vehicle sections. I really liked the creativity of Astro's Playroom interspersing different modes of play with the main levels. Astro Bot doesn't do that. There are powerups that change your move set to some degree (though they aren't super creative; you get both a vertical rocket and a horizontal rocket, for example) but with only a couple exceptions you're always just Astro, on foot, with a very small moveset doing your thing. The final level of each world makes more significant changes, and these are a ton of fun, but only one of them makes the game feel truly different from the rest of the time. That one is great, and is a little bit of a deep cut, even though the series does have games available on PS4/5.

But I also think there's an element of, I don't know if hypocrisy is the exact word I'm looking for but it's close, in Astro Bot. Jeff Gerstmann talked about this in his video on the game, where it's a celebration of PlayStation's rich history and amazing library at a time when a lot of that stuff has been jettisoned and left by the wayside. Celebrating Ape Escape is fantastic, but fans have wanted a new Ape Escape game for decades now and we can't even get a remaster of Ape Escape 3 (I know there are some licensing issues but they shouldn't be insurmountable.) There's a whole section of the home base devoted to WipeOut and, yeah, WipeOut Omega is around so that's good, but the problem isn't so much that old series have been dropped as that there's nothing similar to replace them. Sony used to have such a wide ranging and creative catalog with so many different tones and genres and ideas, and now it's pretty much all 3D cinematic third person action like Dad of War/Last of Us/Horizon/Tsushima/Spider-Man, and Live Service Future War. I like the 3D cinematic action games but Astro Bot made me remember how much I miss games like Jak & Daxter or Sly Cooper and just the attitude towards gaming that came with them.

Astro himself is a nothing character. He's literally just a manikin you put costumes on to remind you of other characters you used to like. And while you definitely don't need some great character for a 3D platformer, the fact that Sony has chosen him to be in their very rare 3D platformer says a lot about their thinking. The last 3D platformer they put out starred Sackboy, who is basically the same thing, except a little weirder. Astro is just Sackboy with all the hand-crafted elements removed and replaced by soulless robot, even though they try to make him cheerful and charming. And Sackboy was already a non-entity of a character.

For Astro's Playroom this didn't matter to me because it was a tech demo. Astro was just there to show off the controller and praise the system. But now he's in a $60 adventure and it's about fixing a broken PS5 and he's still just a soulless corporate robot meant to showcase other "IP" that Sony doesn't care about and...it all rubs me the wrong way a little bit.

All that is not to say that I hate Astro (he's fine, just doesn't bring much to the table) or that that's my main issue with the game (as I said, there are some mediocre levels, some parts where I got stuck because of hard to read visuals etc... other minor flaws.) And I really liked the game. It will almost certainly be in my top 5 of the year. But it also feels a little bit disposable. And I think it speaks to a deeper philosophy about gaming, and especially gaming outside those prestige titles, that I really don't like.

So while everyone else is praising Astro Bot to high heavens I can't help but feel a little left out. And more than any specific issues with the game itself, it makes me uneasy about what the next five years of PlayStation are going to be like. I'll get my Dad of War and Spider-Man, and I'll like them, and there will be another Ratchet & Clank game someday, which is cool, but we're a long way from Vib-Ribbon and Patapon and I don't think those days are coming back.

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Good review. I pretty much had a feeling the full game wouldn't be as tight as the tech demo Playroom, but if they were able to at least get 80% there, then I call that a success. I'm definitely going to play it and I will enjoy it. It's been a while since I've lost myself in a genuine platformer. I've tried the Crash trilogy remake and Crash 4, and while I see why those games are liked, I just can't get into them. Missed my chance during the original PS days, maybe. Furthermore, I have never seen the Ratchet & Clank games as platformers, but shooters with lots of gadgets and other mechanics with colorful charm like a platformer. And Sackboy's Adventure is good, but the level's having licensed artist for the music kind of threw me off. The editing to the levels is great, especially the one that plays Chemical Brother's Private Psychedelic Reel. But I fell off and keep telling myself I will get back into it, but haven't yet. Anyway, hopefully Astrobot finally scratches that itch for great platforming experience.

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@av_gamer: I don't really think of this as a review, but what I'll say is that I liked Astro Bot a lot (as I said) but it "feels" more like a conventional 3D platformer than the tech demo. Probably because of the missing vehicle sections, but also just in its design, progression, etc... That's not a bad thing, but it does feel quite different to me.

If you like 3D platformers this will likely scratch the itch. I think Crash is a little bit its own thing.

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#3  Edited By GTxForza

That's a pretty nice review, but, I'm not into this game, because I'm not a fan of platformers in general, even though I've played its predecessor (Astro's Playroom) for PlayStation artifacts hidden in levels, I would like to see this get ported to PC & Nintendo Switch 2, including all of Astro's Playroom's content too. So Team Asobi can kickstart their next development project afterwards.

Edit: Astro's Playroom gameplay and levels are okay to me.

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#5  Edited By chamurai

Nice write-up! I don't own, nor do I think I'll ever buy a PS5 but I really want this game. Reaching my teens around the time when the PSX was hitting its stride, I have a huge soft spot for the old Playstation IP.

Perhaps my love for Parappa and Um Jammer Lammy made me the Peppa Pig and Bluey player I am today?

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you're definitely not alone in getting pangs of something akin to saudade or melancholia in being confronted with the legacy of Sony's creativity colliding with their contemporary identity. it is a bit staggering when you take a look at all those bots and see how many different things they had going lo these thirty years.

that all said- i don't particularly share your perspective. even though i'm squarely in the target demo for maximum nostalgia with the PS brand- i'm somewhat notoriously devoid of the feeling. so where does that leave me? i thought the references were fun, and i've subsequently purchased PSN copies of Ape Escape and Loco Roco to see what the deal with those is. so mission accomplished, Sony?

but yeah- i had a great time with Astro Bot! it was light breezy fun, and certainly stands toe-to-toe with anything the Plumber in Red can offer (but then again, i don't hold any platformers- 2D or 3D- in particularly high regard).

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@chamurai: Playing good games made you desperate to play horrible games?

Have you ever considered that maybe you're just a degenerate?

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#8  Edited By Topcyclist

@bigsocrates: I think this write up sums up how people will look at the game after all the early play luster wares off. Like how people said mario oddysse was the best mario game at release.

I do disagree with thinking astrobot is well sorta a blank slate. Like most platformers including mario he works because of how he emotes and reacts to things around him and is a pleasant person to push your feelings on. I'd say it's harder to promote when your character has a definitive personality cause over the years people change and switch to hating it. For example sonic and the whole cool edge factor...which adults seem to hate today especially those looking back at their "phases" lol.

Id argue crash has the interesting personality in that on the surface people think he's just nothing but he has that whole cartoon physics take on things. He squatches and stretches or yelps when falling and says bye to the camera. I wish the 4th game leaned into that more.


Crash is great but you have to realize it was amazing for the time graphically and due to the runner take on it. You had less on screen and could make it really detailed while fast. Reminder that atleast IMO crash looked better than n64 mario. People scoff at crash today and it caused the change to a more open mario like level design but im glad 4 went back to it's bread and butter. Add to that you can watch a video on youtube on how well they function game design wise in teaching the player. The reason crash games are boring to newer people is they start off simple and by the time the said people quit the game starts to show itself and why people love em. Crash 4 though was sorta too hard. Even the hardest levels in astro seem easy compared to crash 4's hardest. If you can i'd give crash another shot.

Also If you or anyone in forum has DREAMS on PS4, there is a cat game called, Trip's Voyage (4 hour game with a snow, ice, desert, beach etc level and mario galaxy like feel, that is made by a person who nailed the mario feel. It's amazing. I think that game shows it's not like it's impossible to make Mario like (as astro showed) but people just don't think the returns are high to put the effort I guess. Hence the 1000 souls clone or PUBG (glad that's over). Would love the stealth game clone era to make a return but people always turn those into shooters once caught :(