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Top 25 Astro Bot Snubs

First off, Astro Bot is incredible. It's probably my GOTY and also one of the best game I've ever played. It's rare that you can play a game that feels built personally for yourself, but this is one of those. The gameplay is great and it injects nostalgia directly into my veins. So, this list is by no means a complaint.

90s ads were something else.
90s ads were something else.

Several months ago, I made a list of Forgotten PlayStation Characters That Should Be Astro Botted. Of the 24 characters I picked, only 5 made it in. However, 2 other ones I picked ended up getting a different character from their franchise into Astro Bot, so I'm gonna count that as 7.

So, I'm making a new list of characters I'm sad that didn't make the cut. There's always the next adventure!

The list is restricted to games developed or published by Sony. I love that they put so many third-party characters in the game, but opening up the speculation to any game would result in a massive list.

List items

  • I mean... c'mon.

  • Blasto is not a good game. I like Blasto. RIP Phil Hartman.

  • I can hear you saying, "Shut up, Marino. Not everything is about EverQuest." I get it, but hear me out. People loved the Champions of Norrath games on PS2. Even people who had no prior knowledge of EverQuest. EQ may not be owned by Sony anymore, but I feel like this could still happen.

  • Toshinden's Sofia was as much a mascot for the PlayStation launch as anyone else.

  • Someone get Limited Run on the phone or something!

  • The face of the early days of PlayStation 3. Also, Anna Torv is great.

  • Give that robot a silly run animation and a tazer.

  • God of War was not the first game to come from the Santa Monica studio. How could you forget this weird, futuristic racing game where sexy ladies strapped wheels to their hands and feet? Kinetica is wild.

  • Remember when the Gran Turismo dev made a mech game? No? You should fix that problem.

  • Just imagine an Escher planet in Astro Bot.

  • And you thought I was biased for wanting Firiona Vie in the game? Maggie was the virtual host of the later issues of PlayStation Underground. This could be the deepest cut of all.

  • Mark of Kri may be mostly forgotten, but the combat system at the time was awesome.

  • The Order 1886 still looks incredible.

  • Plenty of deep cuts in the game, but this would be a fun one. Great job, Jeremy!

  • We got Maximilian from Dark Cloud 2 in the game. That's cool. But, how about the original protagonist?

  • After the Cambridge studio made MediEvil 2, they made Primal. A game about a woman resurrected to avenge her boyfriend by hunting demons.

  • We got the Resogun ship and WipEout cars in there. What if we got the spaceship thing from Frequency and Amplitude in there?

  • We need to fight a giant enemy crab robot in one of these games.

  • Can we get a planet that's 15th century France?

  • I feel like White Knight Chronicles was super popular for like 2 months and then everyone forgot it existed.

  • Put that hat on a bot.

  • From the creators of Dead by Daylight.

  • At the height of Squaresoft churning out multiple stellar RPGs per year, it was hard for other to break through. Legend of Legaia may be mostly forgotten now, but it shouldn't be.

  • Options were slim at PS3 launch, but Resistance still became a trilogy.

  • Beyond the Beyond is not a good game, but it's the first RPGs published by Sony.

  • I lied. I thought of a few more. Tiny Tank is a ridiculous game whose demo on PlayStation Underground got some serious playtime. Still surprising that Sony published Tiny Tank.

  • Sony's push for "Play Create Share" didn't really catch on. But ModNation Racers deserves a mention.

  • You're telling me you don't remember Starhawk, the Warhawk spin-off?