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What a banger year for indies and JRPGs.

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  • majormitch posted a new image.
  • majormitch posted a new image.
  • majormitch posted a new image.
  • majormitch posted a message in the forum topic Every UFO 50 Game Reviewed! - Barbuta. on the UFO 50 board

    @amlabella: Ah, yeah, I watched it embedded here on the blog page, so I didn't see the YT description. Not too big a deal for me personally! SPOILER

  • majormitch posted a message in the forum topic Every UFO 50 Game Reviewed! - Barbuta. on the UFO 50 board

    I really like this idea! Godspeed on putting together 50 video reviews. I too have been really digging UFO 50, and it is a wild package to try and dissect and "review". I think it's a project that we'...

  • majormitch posted a message in the forum topic Astro Bot, Nostalgia, and...Uncharted. The first one.. on the Astro Bot board

    Good, write-up, and I enjoyed reading about your Uncharted (1!) nostalgia. It will definitely be interesting to see what the next Astro game is. I'm not sure how often they can play this particular b...

  • majormitch posted a new image.
  • majormitch posted a new image.
  • majormitch posted a message in the forum topic I'm not playing much released this year (and that's unusual for me). on the General Discussion board

    I haven't been playing a lot of new, big AAA games this year, but this has been an absolute banger of a year for indies and smaller games for my tastes. I am swamped with cool, unique games coming out...

  • majormitch posted a new image.